China News Service, January 19 (Reporter Zhang Ni) Recently, the influenza epidemic in my country has been at a high level. The National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention stated that it is expected that the new crown epidemic may rebound to a certain extent around the Spring Festival, and a variety of respiratory diseases will continue to appear in many parts of the country. Alternate or common trends.

What needs attention is that cold + sleep deprivation may cause a "double critical attack" on the human body!

The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences recently released popular science information to remind that chronic sleep deprivation can affect the body's immune function, leading to an increase in the body's susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. In severe cases, it can lead to life-threatening infections such as viral myocarditis.

  According to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the sleep needs of different groups of people vary greatly. Adults usually need 6 to 8 hours of sleep to achieve optimal health. When the total sleep time is reduced, or short awakenings lead to sleep fragmentation, sleep cannot support When an individual maintains adequate wakefulness, behavioral performance, and health, it is sleep deprivation. Short-term staying up late, long-term sleep restriction, or sleep fragmentation can all lead to sleep deprivation, which is also divided into acute sleep deprivation and long-term chronic sleep deprivation.

  Acute sleep deprivation refers to no sleep for less than two consecutive days, or a shorter total sleep time than usual. The most prominent manifestation is cognitive function impairment, which has a particularly obvious impact on work that requires sustained concentration and requires complex reasoning, analysis, and involvement. For people with flexible thinking styles and jobs that require attention to a large number of goals, such as programmers, doctors, etc., even short-term sleep deprivation will affect their work performance and may also cause a mental state similar to depression or anxiety.

  In addition to cognitive function, acute sleep deprivation can also affect respiratory muscle endurance, causing adverse effects in patients with chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  Chronic sleep deprivation refers to chronically sleeping less than what is needed to maintain optimal functioning.

In addition to cognitive impairment, chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt normal heart rate regulation and increase myocardial oxygen consumption. In severe cases, it can cause strong contraction of the coronary arteries and cause myocardial ischemia, leading to the occurrence of related cardiovascular diseases. It can also affect the body's immune function. This leads to increased susceptibility of the body to bacteria and viruses, and in severe cases can lead to life-threatening infections such as viral myocarditis.

  In addition, chronic sleep deprivation can also lead to overactivation of food stimulation pathways in the cerebral cortex and promote appetite, which may increase the risk of obesity.

  Although sleep time has generally declined globally in modern society, the importance of adequate sleep should still be clarified, and full attention should be paid to the various health problems or health risks caused by insufficient sleep.

  How many hours did you sleep today?
