This is probably a joke: “To prevent the Ukrainian front from failing, NATO is forced to send its people to fight the Russians.”

This powerful idea came from a “strategic analyst” from France.

After being expelled from Russia in 1812, the French had more than once the opportunity to prove themselves as great warriors.

Maybe you will remember their military successes, but for now I will remind you of something else.

During the First World War, it was not the French who saved anyone, but, on the contrary,

 the Russian Corps

saved France from disappearing from the political map of the world.

Look through the literature.

During World War II, the French quickly surrendered to the Nazis.

The French Resistance made a little progress, but in the end they were among the winners - to the half-fainting surprise of the German generals signing the surrender.

You can remember the only squadron “Normandie - Neman”, which fought against the Nazis with the full support of the Soviet Union.

Probably, this squadron flew in so that “the Soviet front would not fail.”

Now France has returned to its familiar stall, exposing its shame and revealing itself as an enemy of Russia.

And here French mercenaries (or are they NATO members?) are the core of Ukraine’s defense.

And I remember the wise European proverb: “Only the French allies can be worse than the French enemies.”

Ukrainians seem to take all this European gloss seriously only because of technical assistance from the West.

This whole “combat assistance” is an illusion and a myth.

Ukrainians themselves can teach at NATO academies.

And so it will be when we, the Russians, win.

And then they, the enemy Ukrainian instructors, I hope, at their very first lesson will tell the Europeans: “Fight with whomever you want.

Just not with the Russians.

This is stupid and hopeless."

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.