Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-00:12


reform of article 49 of the Constitution

, approved yesterday in Congress with the support of all parties except Vox, to eliminate the term "disabled" and replace it with "people with disabilities"

is the result of an agreement between PSOE and PP that demonstrates that the path of dialogue and consensus is only possible when there is a true will to compromise


The incorporated modification, in addition to being the first reform of social significance that our Constitution receives in almost five

decades, it also represents the first major agreement forged in years.

The parliamentary support garnered, which exceeds the three-fifths majority required to modify the Magna Carta, is a reflection of

a consensus on the street that only Vox wanted to depart from


At the last minute, this formation went from abstention to voting against citing "gender" reasons because the final wording of the article covers the specific care needs for "women and minors with disabilities."

Santiago Abascal's party once again lost another opportunity to put the general interest before its ideology.

The change was agreed between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo during their meeting on December 2.

The President of the Government stated that "we all win when we are able to agree."

He said this the day after at the Davos Forum he emphasized the need to govern the EU from the center "with socialists, liberals and



Contrast this appeal to centrality when it is the Executive itself that has made frontism the core of its strategy since 2018

, including in this legislature the opaque pacts with separatism.

In fact, on the same day that the Lower House dignified people with disabilities, the Government undermined the Constitution by processing an Amnesty Law that was unconstitutional in the opinion of the lawyers of the Justice Commission.

Although symbolic in nature, the reform introduced in the Fundamental Law is relevant to the extent that

legal texts have the ability to perform reality


Erasing the meaning "disabled", in reference to people who suffer from a mental, physical or sensory disability - 10% of the Spanish population, according to the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (Cermi) - means satisfying a long-standing claim. demanded by groups specialized in inclusion work.

The Spanish legal framework fully contemplates the principle of equality without discrimination.

What it was about now was

not only to banish hurtful and offensive terminology, but to anchor it in the Constitution

, also from the point of view of language, the approach of respect for all citizens.


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