
Updated Thursday, January 18, 2024-16:21

  • Culture Itziar Ituño, an activist in a business class advertisement

  • Controversy BMW disassociates itself from actress Itziar Ituño after her presence at a demonstration calling for the release of ETA prisoners

The day that

Susanna Griso


Toni Cantó as the new collaborator of the

Espejo Público

news desk,

the first disagreement occurred with

Samanta Villar

, another of the program's collaborators.



between actor and journalist is practically zero and neither of them tries to hide that they are against what the other believes.

The clashes between the two have been happening practically daily in the program, some with more impetus and others more relaxed.

However, this morning the controversy over the actress

Itziar Ituño

has ignited a heated debate in

Espejo Público

that has ended with a strong connection between

Toni Cantó


Samanta Villar

in which

Susanna Griso

even had to intervene to stop them.

The presenter wanted to know the opinion of her collaborators regarding

Albert Pla 's controversial statements regarding the presence of

the Money Heist


at a demonstration in defense of the rights of ETA prisoners held last weekend.

Susanna Griso

was very interested in knowing the opinion of

Toni Cantó

after the day of its premiere the actor denounced the cancellation to which he has been subjected due to his political positions.



Itziar Ituño, an activist in a business class advertisement

  • Editor: LUIS ALEMANY Madrid

Itziar Ituño, an activist in a business class advertisement

It was then that

Toni Cantó

corrected Griso and warned that the two campaigns that canceled him have nothing to do with the reasons why BMW and Iberia have stopped counting on


: "It is a question of degrees "Here we are talking about something more brutal, about someone who supports murderers by saying that they are political prisoners, which would mean that we do not live in a democracy."

When listening to the former politician,

Samanta Villar

could not contain herself and intervened to make him see that "some things make us feel more comfortable than others, and the further away we are from them they make us feel less uncomfortable."

"I don't like Albert Pla

's statements at

all, but the greatness of this country is that it allows freedom of expression to that degree. This must be protected, when we like it and when we don't like it," the journalist stated after that

Toni Cantó described as regrettable


's words

in which he stated that "Spain is a country that remains divided between those who believe that those who killed Carrero Blanco were heroes and those who believe that they were murderers" and that he He believes that "they were heroes."

"In the same way, what brands want is to do business and they associate with figures from the world of culture who represent certain values. When there is a dissonance between the value that the brand wants to defend and the person, then They withdraw, and


has to understand this

no matter how much it may bother you.

These are freedoms that are at stake and fortunately we can play and defend them,"


stated forcefully .

Cantó then focused on "cancel culture" pointing out that "it is normal for society to begin to take note of these behaviors, like brands."

"Here the board is beginning to be equalized because, until now,

phenomena such as escrache or cancellation, which were mostly on the left, are beginning to be played on the other side as well

. I would prefer that they did not exist on either side, but Of course, what I'm tired of is turning the other cheek. Now we all play," he added.

Some words that have made

Susanna Griso

spring like a spring : "If we are critical of the cancellation, we have to be critical of everyone."


Toni Cantó

maintained his position: "If it only exists on one side, what happens happens, because the


movement and the cancellation is absolutely the majority on the left, both within this country and in the world. Now I put the example of Pablo Iglesias, if you play escrache, then they will do it to you. It's that simple."

It was then that

Samanta Villar

ended up despairing with


: "

But what is this, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?

Do we defend this? No, sorry, the solution does not have to involve doing what they have done to us, for give it back to them. The solution has to be democratic maturity."


Are you arguing that an eye for an eye should be done?

If they do it, so can we? Shall we play that?

Man, please!

" the journalist continued, visibly angry.

"I want good for everyone, democratic quality for everyone. And whoever wants to demonstrate in favor of the rights of ETA prisoners, legally they can, and even in their moral sense, they can also, and with democratic normality they should be able to do it," he added.

Given the tense tone that the confrontation between




was acquiring , Susanna Griso was forced to intervene and quickly change the topic to a more relaxed one: a revolutionary contraceptive method for men.