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Pierce Brosnan: Trouble over a national park trip

Photo: Lou Benoist / AFP

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan has denied allegations in a US court that he was traveling in an area closed to visitors in Yellowstone National Park.

The Irish-born man had already declared himself not guilty at the beginning of January, reported the New York Times and other US media, citing relevant documents from a federal court in the US state of Wyoming.

Some parts of the park closed

Yellowstone National Park, mostly located in Wyoming, is known for its hot springs and geysers - although dangerous areas are closed to visitors.

The incident is said to have occurred on November 1, 2023.

The court documents do not describe in more detail how Brosnan is said to have violated the restrictions in force in the park, wrote the New York Times.

However, one of the documents contains the name of one of the attractions, the Mammoth Terraces, which are known for their fountains and terraced springs.

For the most part, visitors have to stay on the paths and observe them from a distance: the water from the springs is acidic and "can cause serious or fatal burns," the newspaper quotes the park administration as saying.

The water beneath the thin crust around the springs is scalding hot.

A hearing for Brosnan scheduled for January 23rd has been postponed and will now take place on February 20th, CBS affiliate station KBZK reported, among others.
