The music companies' industry organization Ifpi is considering filing a police report regarding suspected manipulated streams.

Some of the songs that may be covered, which have already been removed from Spotify, are collaborations between the artists Rasmus Gozzi and Miss Snusk.

The latter will perform in Melodifestivalen's second competition with the song "Young & fria" which she wrote together with Sara Ryan.

"Is a speculation"

But neither the police report, removed songs from Spotify nor Expressen's editorial board's demand to throw Miss Snusk out of the competition will affect Melodifestivalen, which believes that it does not have enough information about the case.

- We do not act on speculation.

This is still a speculation and we need something more to be able to act simply, says Melodifestivalen's project manager Anders Wistbacka.

He believes that the issue of irregularities in streaming services is a matter for the music industry, not Melodifestivalen.

- Illegal streams are of course not good, but we do not base her participation on Spotify's streaming service, he says.

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The music industry organization IFPI is considering reporting the Rasmus Gozzi and Fröken Snusk collaborations accused of manipulated streams to the police.

Photo: Christine Olsson/TT/SVT