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Sylt, June 6, 2023: Activists sprayed a jet

Photo: Julius Schreiner / TNN / dpa

Ten activists from the last generation are to answer in court for several protests on Sylt.

The Flensburg public prosecutor's office has brought a total of two charges against four women and six men, as the director of the responsible district court, Niebüll, confirmed to SPIEGEL.

The accused are between 21 and 64 years old.

According to SPIEGEL information, several come from Berlin, so no one lives in Schleswig-Holstein.

The first indictment accuses five climate activists of trespassing and damage to property, according to the director of the district court.

The second indictment, which is directed against six people, also involves disrupting public operations.

This carries a sentence of up to five years in prison.

A woman is charged twice.

According to the information, both charges date from November 2023. The responsible district judge must now decide whether they should be admitted and whether there will be a trial, said the director.

The actions in June 2023 caused a stir across Germany.

At that time, activists of the last generation sprayed the bar of a Sylt hotel with paint, damaged the lawn of a golf course and also invaded the grounds of an airport and sprayed a private plane.

In addition, a yacht in Neustadt in Holstein was graffitied.

Actions against the rich

According to their own statements, the Last Generation wanted to draw attention to the fact that the climate catastrophe is being caused “primarily by the rich”.

The Schleswig-Holstein Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) announced a hard line in response to the incidents.

The actions had “reached a new quality.”

The constitutional state is required to exhaust all possibilities.

“We will not tolerate intentionally damaging property and committing crimes.”