, Shanghai, January 1 (Zhang Jian, Zhu Yi) The lunar month has arrived, and the Spring Festival has officially entered the countdown, and more and more citizens have begun to prepare for the New Year.

Recently, in front of a pork shop located in Jinnan Street, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the reporter saw a dense sausage full of red and white sausages with bright colors, which attracted many citizens to stop and buy. Aunt Zhang Meifang, who lives nearby, told reporters that this store has been open here for many years, and she can see sausages being filled on the spot, and at this time of year, she will come to buy sausages.

Dense sausages hanging in front of the pork shop. Photo by Chinanews reporter Zhang Jian

The owner, Li Huijuan, told reporters that her store has been filling sausages since the winter moon, using fresh sandwich meat, three points of fat meat, seven points of lean meat, suitable for fat and thin, and good taste. In the past few days, due to the drop in temperature and fine weather, the demand for sausages has also increased, and an average of twenty or thirty catties of meat can be filled every day. "The most suitable for eating is to air dry for more than ten days, if you want to dry a little, you can dry it for a few more days, like this, when you pinch it a little and it is a little soft, it is just the right time to eat, and it doesn't taste firewood at all. Li Huijuan introduced.

Sausages being filled. Photo by Chinanews reporter Zhang Jian

At the same time, many citizens still have the habit of pickling salted meat in the month of Layue, Zhang Mingqiu, a resident of Wanxiang Jindi in Jinshan District, is one of them, Zhang Mingqiu introduced, pickled salted meat to choose fat and thin pork, and then fry salt, pepper and other seasonings, evenly spread on both sides of pork, gently rub and pat. Finally, two stones are pressed to press the blood out. "It takes about seven days to 'turn over', and after three or four days, you can take it out to dry, and you can eat it when it is dried, we all like it, and you can send it to relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year." (ENDS)