Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lin Qingqing correspondent Shen Zhong

Medical case Lin Abo, 75 years old, has repeated cough and constipation

Lin Abo, a retired employee, had surgery to remove part of his lung lobe after a physical examination a few years ago found lung lesions. After the operation, I like to go to the park for morning exercises, hoping to exercise and enhance my physical fitness. But Lin Abo found that his cough was always difficult to break the root, he always felt phlegm in his throat but it was difficult to cough it out, and his throat was itchy and unbearable. Gradually, my mouth was dry and unbearable, and drinking a lot of water could not relieve it. Hearing from a neighbor that a dry throat is a sign of fire, Lin Abel ran to buy herbal tea, but after drinking herbal tea, he found that the symptoms of dry throat became more and more obvious, and he began to be constipated. Recently, the stool has been dry and knotty, and it needs to be used to pass it, which makes Lin Aber unbearable. I heard that Uncle De was an expert in respiratory diseases and was good at treating miscellaneous diseases, so he came to Uncle De's outpatient clinic for help.

Uncle De solves the puzzle related to the lungs and intestines, and the yang deficiency is lacking

Uncle De believes that Lin Abo has undergone lung surgery before, which has consumed lung qi, and he usually likes to exercise in the morning, and when the temperature is low in the morning, the pores of exercise are opened, which is easy to make the wind, cold, damp and evil qi invade the human body, resulting in more depletion of lung qi. When Lin Abo's lung qi is depleted and Wei Yang is insufficient, it will make the evil qi stay in the human body, affecting the lung to promote and suppress the dysfunction, and cause cough. At the same time, the loss of yang qi makes it impossible to vaporize the fluid in the throat, so you will feel dry mouth. At this time, Lin Abel often drank herbal tea, which further harmed the yang qi and aggravated the symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lung and the large intestine are on the same surface, and the conduction function of the large intestine is closely related to the suppression function of the lungs.

Preventive health care Solidify and protect yang energy, and eat and move in a proper way

This period is the coldest time of the year, and the elderly gradually deteriorate, and compared with young people, the function of the internal organs is more likely to have problems. After the operation, the patient's qi and blood are consumed, the body's righteous qi is weakened, and the ability to resist external evil is also reduced. Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the role of yang qi, which is an important way for the human body to resist external evils, and it should be protected at all times. In terms of dietary care, it is not advisable to eat too much cold food and low temperature food. In terms of daily life, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping warm, adding clothes in time, and avoiding large areas of exposed skin. Traditional Chinese medicine external treatment for health care, can moxibustion lung Yu acupoint, Dingchuan acupoint, Zhiyang acupoint. Traditional sports and health care methods can also be chosen, such as Baduanjin, Wufowl Opera, Yijin Jing, etc., so that the internal organs and qi can be adjusted.

Uncle De's health medicine room sesame paste

Ingredients: 50 grams of black sesame seeds, 40 grams of peanuts, 40 grams of walnut kernels, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Efficacy: Nourish yin and warm yang, moisten the intestines and laxative.

Cooking method: Stir-fry black sesame seeds, peanuts and walnuts until fragrant, use a grinder to powder the above ingredients with rock sugar, and mix an appropriate amount of boiling water into a paste, which is 1-2 people.