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Emergency vehicle with blue lights in front of the supermarket in Mörfelden-Walldorf

Photo: 5vision. News / dpa

A 38-year-old employee was shot dead in a supermarket in Mörfelden-Walldorf in southern Hesse. The 48-year-old alleged perpetrator then committed suicide on Monday evening, the Darmstadt public prosecutor's office and the police said. The man entered the discount store around 19:15 p.m. and shot the woman several times, it said.

According to the current state of investigation, there had been a relationship between the victim and the 48-year-old in the past. This could be a possible motive. Investigations by the public prosecutor's office and the police were ongoing.

Customers not hurt

At the time of the crime, according to the information, there were several customers in the market. They were not injured and were cared for by police officers and a chaplain. The police secured evidence in the evening and questioned witnesses. Further details were not initially known for reasons of investigative tactics.
