, Beijing, January 1 (Shao Meng) Respiratory infections are still in a high incidence period. Since autumn and winter, many people have developed symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and headache, and the pathogens of infection are also different.

Zhongxin Health noticed that recently, some patients have shared their confusion on social platforms: My symptoms are so obvious, why are the tests for influenza A, B, mycoplasma, and new crown all negative?

To this end, Zhongxin Health interviewed Li Tongzeng, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Zhao Wei, director of the Biosafety Research Center of the School of Public Health of Southern Medical University.

It is related to a variety of factors such as detection time

Repeat testing is recommended for self-test antigens

"The high fever of 40 °C does not go away, and the flow A and B and mycoplasma are all negative", "I have done two tests and are negative, but I still feel uncomfortable and have a fever every day"...... On social platforms, many patients have shared similar experiences.

On social media, some patients are sharing similar experiences.

Zhao Wei told Zhongxin Health that there are three possibilities for this situation. First of all, it may be a false negative of the experimental results, the current pathogen nucleic acid detection or antigen detection methods have a certain proportion of false negative results, but this is less likely, in addition, it may be that the sampling time is too late or the sampling time does not "catch" the pathogen, many patients do not go to the hospital until a few days after the onset of the disease, resulting in the number of pathogens in the body has been reduced or eliminated at this time.

"Because there are many types of pathogens that can cause flu-like symptoms, it is also possible to be infected by other types of pathogens other than influenza A virus, influenza B virus, mycoplasma, and the new coronavirus. Zhao Wei said.

Li Tong has pointed out that this situation is very common. The blood count of mycoplasma and viral infection is normal, and antigen negativity cannot be ruled out. In addition, the self-test of patients is generally an antigen test, which has a low accuracy rate and is prone to false negatives, and the detection rate is generally higher at 1 to 2 days after the onset of the disease, but it is still far lower than the accuracy rate of nucleic acid testing.

"If you self-test your antigen at home, you need to repeat the test 3 to 5 times after half a day to improve accuracy. Li Tong once said.

Symptomatic treatment may be used

Consult your doctor before taking prescription medications

Another question that patients are concerned about is how to distinguish between various respiratory tract infections and how to treat them.

Li Tong once pointed out that influenza, mycoplasma and new crown are self-limiting diseases for the general population with normal immune function, and they can recover on their own in about 5 days after taking some drugs to relieve symptoms or even not using drugs at all. If the aetiology is not detected, symptomatic treatment can be given first, with antipyretic and analgesic drugs and cough and expectorant drugs.

Zhao Wei also said that patients can decide whether to continue testing according to their personal wishes, and can also use symptomatic treatment options, such as taking antipyretics to relieve symptoms. Most respiratory diseases caused by viral infections are treated similarly, and doctors will also target treatment based on experience until the causative agent is identified.

However, Li Tong has cautioned that for vulnerable groups, mainly the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and people with underlying diseases and weakened immunity, they should try to figure out the cause.

There are also some patients who have symptoms such as fever and cough, and will choose to buy azithromycin, oseltamivir and other drugs on their own. The interviewed experts believe that conventional fever-reducing and cough medicines are OK, but if it is a prescription drug such as oseltamivir, it is recommended to take it under the guidance of a doctor.

"If you have a history of exposure to influenza, such as a family member or a colleague around you has been diagnosed, you have symptoms, and you have a high suspicion of infection, you can treat it with oseltamivir in advance, but oseltamivir is a prescription drug, and you still need to consult your doctor in advance whether it is suitable for you. Li Tong once said. (ENDS)