Europe 1 with AFP 11:26 a.m., January 11, 2024

An exclusive documentary on Gabriel Attal, directed by political journalist Louis Morin, will be broadcast in the first half of 2024 on C8. The channel's teams have been following the current Prime Minister for several months, long before his appointment was considered.

The cameras of C8 have been following Gabriel Attal for several months, long before his appointment as prime minister was considered, and this will lead to an exclusive documentary broadcast "in the first half of the year", said the number 2 of the Canal+ group on Thursday. "We knew he had potential," Gérald-Brice Viret told Franceinfo radio, confirming a report by La Tribune Dimanche.

A never-before-seen documentary

According to him, Gabriel Attal began to be followed when he was Minister of Public Accounts, a position he held from May 2022 until his move to Education last July. He continues to be filmed "at this time", while his appointment to Matignon was announced on Tuesday, Viret continued. "We have images, we have a lot of interviews with him," and this "new documentary" will be "broadcast on C8 during the first half of the year," continued the number 2 of the Canal+ group, to which the C8 channel belongs, whose headliner is the host Cyril Hanouna.

Gabriel Attal "has always come on our sets, whether it was at C8" at Cyril Hanouna's "and at (the news channel) CNews," the executive recalled. According to him, he "is one of those politicians who make the public, especially young people, interested in politics". This documentary will be directed by political journalist Louis Morin.

Mentor of Gabriel Attal, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron was also the subject of a documentary during his first campaign, in 2017, which was then broadcast on TF1. The filming of a second documentary on the head of state is underway, the CEO of the production company Mediawan, Pierre-Antoine Capton, announced in early December.