• TV Who are the couples participating in Temptation Island 7
  • Television These are the 10 bachelors and 10 bachelorettes of Temptation Island 7

There was a lot of anticipation for Temptation Island and Temptation Island did not disappoint. Last night's premiere of its seventh edition was a ticking time bomb with an unforeseen and surprising explosion. How is it possible that after seven editions The Island of Temptations continues to leave us speechless? Well, it's possible, of course it's possible.

Although in this new season The Island of Temptations has wanted to include certain innovations, the reality is that what continues to work is what made the first edition a success: disproportion. And in Temptation Island 7 there is a lot of disproportion thanks to the one who has already become the absolute protagonist and only with the first program: Andrea. Yes, the Andreas have always been a safe bet in this program.

Andrea is 18 years old and is the partner of Álvaro (26). They have been in a relationship for two years, Andrea came out of her mother's womb and met Álvaro. The decision to get into such a mess as it is to participate in The Island of Temptations is that Álvaro has failed it "three times" and "there is not going to be a fourth". And, of course, you hear this and think, how is that possible? Well, because what Andrea considers "failures" were a look and a game of Play with the neighborhood baker. It must be that it's now called Play A la Play.

Come on, ok, we accept boat as a pet. Álvaro goes to play the video game console with the baker, Álvaro looks at another girl and Andrea, who loves him madly, gives him a chance, then another and then another one. And then you meet Andrea in Temptation Island and your eyes pop out of their sockets. Almost, almost like they came out to her last night when she saw the bachelorettes pass by—just pass. If looks were to kill last night, Temptation Island would have been a massacre on the level of The Purge.

Because among the changes that this edition of Temptation Island has added – all of them to screw up the participants even more – is that of not allowing couples to say goodbye. Sandra Barneda arrived with her apotheosis of zascas, placed the boys to one side, the girls in front, forbade them to say goodbye and took them past her girls like a firing squad. If only it had stayed at that, fine, but the goal of Temptation Island has always been to take its participants to unsuspected limits and when this starts there is no stopping it.

So with the boys already on their way to their paradise of flesh and debauchery, Temptation Island brought out its second ace: the bachelorettes. Like a box of Alpine colors -each one dressed in a different color and all of them like models just out of the Shein catalog-, the bachelorettes made their walk in front of the brides with kisses included, with the typical provocations and with Andrea throwing some looks that I swear by the most sacred to me scared me, so imagine what it must have been like for the temptresses. Miedito.

Andrea's Excess in Temptation Island

Alba, Ruth, Ana, Andrea and María, who repeats the experience, but this time from the side of the brides and not the bachelorettes, were left alone and decomposed in the middle of the beach, while their boys already enjoyed the pleasures of Villa Playa and its temptresses. And how tempting! I'd really love to know where they get them from and how the casting is to choose them. Last night, as I watched them introduce themselves to the boys, I could only think of the students of two of them, teachers, when they see them appear again through the classroom door.

"Honey, who's your teacher?"

"She's a temptress from Temptation Island."


The second change that has been introduced in this edition is the light of temptation. There will no longer be one light for each pair but only one with three colors, green, amber and red, like a traffic light. Each color represents the boundaries set by the boys and girls. In the case of the boys, who were given the complete pack last night, while the girls were left in absolute solitude, the green light will sound when one of their partners criticizes or doubts their relationship, the amber when there are dances, touching, jacuzzi or sleeping together, and the red, Of course, get laid. And in the case of girls, the boundaries are somewhat similar.

My poor things. It felt like they didn't know what they were getting into. And it's surprising because David is a repeater. Yes, David is the famous Ken from the previous edition who left his Barbie to go with Maria, who was tempting at the time. "The first time we met, you also told me you were very much in love." Sandra Barneda as Sandra Barneda.

The temptation started quickly at Villa Playa. First night, first dances, first perreos, first... Borja, the Broncano from Temptation Island 7 and Ana's partner, has all the cards to be the first to fall. He likes the queen of the orchard, a stunning Murcian woman who has already marked her territory. As David, who knows more about these things than the red mice, said: "For the first night we have gone a little too far."

So, as it could not be otherwise and given the limits they have set, the green light and the amber light made their first appearance in the girls' villa. Turn it off and let's go. They, who were so calm, making their respective men fall off a donkey... Ana was clear that if they had lit up it was because of Borja, but it wasn't that she cared much either. Nothing to do with Andrea, whose reaction impressed her own teammates, even though the flying kick moment had not yet occurred.

Andrea listened to the light of temptation and rode the pifostio. "His reaction has been disproportionate," the other girls said. And so much. She got up and went "to reflect" – now they also call it that – possessed by the seven demons of the underworld. I'm not surprised that Andrea and Álvaro are going to be one of the couples I leave, along with Rober and Alba Casillas -yes, she's the goalkeeper's cousin- who are also going to leave. If you don't know how to bullfight, what to put you in. It is incomprehensible that someone like Andrea, who loses her temper at the first opportunity, who has such insecurity and such distrust of her partner, can endure a reality show like Temptation Island. Powerful gentleman, don dinero, or doña fame?

Rober leaves Temptation Island

And it was time for the girls to finally meet their bachelors. If the temptresses are a rainbow-like palette of colors, the tempters are, is... indescribable. It was the couples' first meeting after not saying goodbye and the tension could be cut with a knife.

Now, it was hard to imagine what was going to happen a few minutes later. That's where Zaira appeared, the temptress who, by what she implied, among her achievements is having tempted a famous singer, ex-partner of a famous artist ("tra, tra"), with the tablet, the dreaded tablet. Temptation Island showed the girls their boyfriends' first night, and all that said, it wasn't that big of a deal either, much less for the adrenaline rush it gave Andrea who went from being Cruella de Vil to becoming an out-of-control Hulk.

When Monica, the single woman chosen as the most beautiful by all, gave her necklace to Álvaro, Andrea got hot in her body and like an erupting volcano she caught up and ran away, bursting the furniture Jackie Chan style. "I've been watching it since the first thing in the morning! I could see that instead of looking at me, he was looking at her. No, man. I'm going home," she shouted in front of the cameras while her companions hallucinated pickles and Álvaro was completely decomposed. What's this guy going to do in Temptation Island with so much pressure? Nothing. It's impossible for him to live the experience, to approach any girl, to even talk to them. "He's lost his papers," one of the bachelorettes told Álvaro when he arrived at the villa. How right he is!

Andrea, obviously, did not continue in the delivery of necklaces. He disappeared and didn't come back until they were all in the girls' villa. She appeared pissed off like a monkey, constantly seeking the attention she seems to need, dragging the rest into her pit of excess.

Because if there is one thing that has marked the premiere of Temptation Island 7, it is excess. Not only because of Andrea and her nonsense typical of a logical immaturity, but also because last night's program ended just at the moment when Rober, Alba Casillas' partner, asked Sandra Barneda to leave: "The island of temptations has overcome me and... for my part, I'm going to give up." Really? Seriously? But what madness is this? This is Temptation Island in its purest form.

  • Temptation Island
  • Telecinco