, Shanghai, January 1 (Reporter Wang Ji) The hit drama "Flowers" officially ended on the evening of the 10th, and the score of the Shanghai version on Tencent Video reached 9.9 points, higher than the 6.9 points of the Mandarin version...... Recently, a number of Shanghainese works have been broadcast and performed, which has attracted attention to dialect dramas and explored their hidden "circle-breaking" passwords.

"Dialect is the most natural language of all the people living in this place, and it can express all kinds of vivid and delicate emotions that are close to life. Qian Nairong, a famous linguist, said in an interview with a reporter from that the usage of Shanghainese in the TV series "Flowers" is closer to the natural Shanghainese, with rich, active and layered vocabulary, "The old people have the sayings of the elderly, and the young people have the idiomatic words of the young, which can completely and wonderfully express the life of Shanghai people." ”

As an important representative of the Wu dialect, Shanghai dialect carries the cultural atmosphere of ancient Jiangdong and has a profound cultural accumulation. After the opening of Shanghai in 1843, with the rapid development of the commodity economy, the continuous updating of ideas and concepts, and the increasing frequency of social communication, various words in Shanghainese became rich and colorful.

In Qian Nairong's impression, decades ago, the old Shanghainese dialect had already "transitioned" to the new Shanghainese. For example, the word "tone" was derogatory when he was a child, and the subtext of "Nong's tone" was "your behavior is very poor"; after the 20s of the 80th century, "tone" gradually became a positive word, and "tone" praised a person for his demeanor and connotation. "Shanghainese is constantly changing, mainly because society is developing so fast. We can feel from "Flowers" that dialects change naturally with the times, and the 'living' dialects have more charm. ”

Zhang Yu, an associate researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told a reporter from Chinanews that Shanghainese is rich in synonyms, and can have very subtle differentiated expressions according to different contextual emotions and purposes of use; there are many transliterated words in Shanghainese, which add a unique charm, such as "swallowing head" (Shanghainese, appearance, posture) from "tendency"; and some business words are also produced in Shanghainese, such as "rice bowl" (Shanghainese, occupation, work). "Shanghainese is both local and open, showing the characteristics of absorption, agglomeration, integration and innovation, witnessing Shanghai's urban development in different eras. ”

In her view, dialect is not only a language, but also influenced by many factors such as the history and culture, social development, and geographical environment of the city, so it is an important carrier of urban memory. For local groups, dialect is an important symbol of their regional identity, and for foreign groups, dialect is a real and vivid interpretation of a city. "It's warm and brings people closer to each other. ”

The unique charm of dialects is not the only answer to the popularity of Shanghainese dramas, and scholars have also paid attention to the accumulation of the market. In the 20s of the 50th century, Shanghainese operas such as "Spark of Stars" and "Luohan Qian" were put on the screen; in the 20s of the 90th century, Shanghainese TV dramas such as "Debt of Sin" and "War of Snatching Sons" had an impact on the whole country; in the 21st century, Shanghai-style sitcoms such as "Old Lady" and "Happy Apartment" were widely popular...... At the same time, a number of film and television works with Shanghai as the narrative background have been screened and broadcast, which has also increased the market acceptance of Shanghainese dramas to a certain extent.

Zhang Yu believes that high-quality dialect dramas should vividly present the lives of people in different eras and social backgrounds with the blessing of language, and that dialect dramas can enhance the social status of local culture, enhance people's awareness of protecting local culture, and even become a new means of recording and inheriting intangible cultural heritage. "In the pattern of pluralism and unity of the Chinese nation, we must protect and inherit different regional cultures, and dialects are very unique and important cultural symbols. (ENDS)