On January 2024, 1, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng was invited to deliver a speech at the Carter Center Symposium to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.

Xie Feng said that it is necessary to manage contradictions and differences and grasp the correct direction of Sino-US relations. China-US relations have always been built on the basis of acknowledging each other's differences and respecting each other's core interests. Doesn't there also exist such and such differences between the United States and its allies? China and the United States have different histories, cultures, social systems, and stages of development, and of course there will be differences and contradictions, but this does not mean that the two sides are destined to collide head-on. Forty-five years ago, differences and differences did not hinder the establishment and development of China-US relations, and 45 years later, differences and differences should not become an obstacle to China-US exchanges and cooperation.

Xie Feng said: A word that the US side often talks about is "competition." Competition is widespread in modern society, but competition should be fair competition based on rules, a healthy competition in which you catch up with each other and make progress together, not a vicious competition in which you live and die and play a zero-sum game, still less can we deprive other countries of their legitimate development rights and interests in the name of competition. Country-to-nation competition should be athletics, not boxing. If there is competition, it is a positive comparison to see who can govern their respective countries better and who can contribute stability and prosperity to the region and the world.

Xie Feng said: The Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-US relations. No one cherishes peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait more than China, but "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait, and the Chinese Government has no room for compromise with those "Taiwan independence" elements who have forgotten their ancestors and do not recognize themselves as Chinese. The US side should abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiqués with concrete actions, implement the US leader's statement that he does not support "Taiwan independence" and does not seek to use the Taiwan issue as a tool to contain China, and work with China to safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and the overall situation of China-US relations. (Produced by Liu Yinghan Video source: Chinese Embassy in the United States)

Editor in charge: [Luo Pan]