China News Service, Shanghai, January 1 (Xinhua) -- The "blossoming effect" continues to reverberate in Shanghai

China News Service reporter Wang Ji

Huanghe Road was promoted to a hot spot for check-in, the Peace Hotel launched a customized package of "Flowers", the search volume for takeaway of pork ribs and rice cakes skyrocketed, and various versions of the original novel of "Flowers" sold well in physical bookstores...... With the hit of the TV series "Flowers", the "Blossom Effect" is continuing to reverberate in Shanghai.

Interior view of the TV series "Flowers" filming location "Zhizhen Garden". Photo by Chinanews reporter Kang Yuzhan

"Flowers" "blooms" and "opens" a city

Cheng Liang, co-director of the TV series "Flowers", was pleasantly surprised to find that the crowded check-in picture in front of the Wukang Building has now also appeared at the entrance of the Moss Shengyuan (the prototype of the "Zhizhen Garden" in the play) on the Yellow River Road. "Shanghainese people are very fond of 'rolling and busy' (Shanghainese, to join in the fun), and 'Flowers' brings a lot of common topics and triggers people to discuss what they are interested in. ”

In the 20s of the 90th century, Huanghe Road was a very prosperous "food street". At that time, Cheng Liang was still in school, and his life was mainly concentrated in the Huaihai Road area. "The part of the play about life in Shanghai is quite consistent with what I saw when I was growing up. Whether it is the fireworks of Shanghai or the liveliness of the Yellow River Road in the past and present, they are all part of the city's character. ”

Interior view of the TV series "Flowers" filming location "Zhizhen Garden". Photo by Chinanews reporter Kang Yuzhan

"Bund No. 27" has also become a hot spot for drama followers, and Shanghai's "first generation of white-collar workers" represented by "Miss Wang" have made many viewers curious. "'Miss Wang' is very principled, Ding is Ding Mao is Mao, and she has always said to 'Bao': 'I can't take your things' and 'My father has stipulated what kind of little girl I want to be since I was a child'. Cheng Liang told reporters that the crew interviewed many foreign traders at that time, and condensed various characteristics into "Miss Wang", and could indeed feel the differences in mentality, mental outlook and other aspects of white-collar workers in that era.

In Cheng Liang's view, "Flowers" has reopened the city of Shanghai for him, and he has an understanding of different patterns of Shanghai culture, which also allows him to do something practical for the next generation of the city. "The children in the family are learning to speak Shanghainese following the TV series, and as a person who grew up in Shanghai, I feel very warm at this moment. Regardless of whether they learn it in the end or not, they will have a childhood impression of Shanghainese dialect and Shanghai culture. ”

On January 2024, 1, a reporter from China News Service visited the filming location of the TV series "Flowers" - Chedun Film and Television Base. Photo by China News Service reporter Kang Yuzhan

After "Flowers", "Hundred Flowers" will bloom

Located in Songjiang, Shanghai, Chedun Film and Television Base is the "place of dreams" of the TV series "Flowers", which restores the Yellow River Road and Jinxian Road in the 50s of the 20th century with 90-year architectural standards and one to one. A reporter from China News Service visited this place on the 6th and saw the filming location of the classic scene "Bao Zong Jumping Bridge" in the play, "Zhejiang Road Steel Bridge", as well as the real scene of "Yellow River Road" with many signboards and a sense of age.

In recent years, a number of film and television works have shown an inseparable relationship with the city. The Shanghainese-language film "The Myth of Love" released at the end of 2021 set off a "craze for evidence" in Shanghai-style culture, and at the end of 2023, the TV series "Flowers" will be on the air, and topics such as related attractions and food in Shanghai will continue to rush to the hot search.

In the view of Wang Jian'er, chairman of Shanghai Film Group, film and television dramas reflect the cultural accumulation of a city and are a realistic concern for the lives of citizens; excellent film and television dramas will drive more people to love the culture of a city and promote the cultural development of the city. At present, Shanghai Film Group is promoting a series of Shanghai-style film and television development projects such as "The Myth of Love 2", "After "Flowers" "blooms", there will be a hundred flowers in full bloom. (ENDS)