Sébastien Bordenave // Credits: JACQUES COLLET / AFP 10:56 a.m., January 05, 2024

For his 100th birthday, the famous cartoonist, André Franquin, is the subject of a book "Franquin, les secrets d'une oeuvre" which is published by Editions du Rocher. This is an opportunity for readers to immerse themselves in the world of Spirou and Fantasio and Marsupilami's father.

He would have been 100 years old this week, André Franquin, father of Gaston Lagaffe, but also illustrator of Spirou et Fantasio and Marsupilami, is the subject of a book: Franquin, les secrets d'une oeuvre. The book is published by Editions du Rocher and offers a meticulous dive into the master's work. In its pages, the work meticulously recounts the winks that Franquin liked to draw in his boxes.

The story between drawing and André Franquin began when he was only five years old. The teacher's father decides to buy him a small school blackboard. Already inspired, André Franquin drew a dog breathing in a flower. Faced with these features, the father is overcome with emotion and decides to take the work to a photographer to freeze it in eternity. Faced with this enthusiasm, Franquin never let go of the pencil and became a giant of the comic strip.

>> READ ALSO - After 30 years of absence, Gaston Lagaffe will make his comeback

"It was the best"

In the world of cartoonists, Franquin's aura is still present. "For me, Franquin is the greatest of cartoonists. His drawing is so vivid, he must have been hypersensitive, because he saw things that other people didn't perceive. He also managed to make us laugh with very moving things," DELAF, the official cartoonist of the latest Gaston film, told Europe 1. So if you want to know everything about the designer, Franquin, the secrets of a work of art is for you.