• Health Flu, covid or cold, these are the symptoms that differentiate these respiratory diseases

The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (semFYC) has proposed this Thursday to recover the use of the mandatory mask in Primary Care centers in order to reduce the spread of flu, covid and other respiratory diseases.

In a press release, the semFYC has advocated for toughening protection measures to prevent the transmission of respiratory infection viruses to people with multiple pathologies and chronic patients, and has opted to re-establish separation spaces in health centers, dispensing of hydroalcoholic gels and ventilation measures for waiting rooms.

In addition, they have asked the health authorities to raise awareness among the population about the proper use of healthcare services and not to go to them if medical attention is not needed to avoid saturation of centres in the face of the new surge, which puts the incidence (in the week of 18 to 24 December) at 908 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

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Boticaria García.

Influenza A: this is the ghost of Christmas present

  • Written by: BOTICARIA GARCÍA

Influenza A: this is the ghost of Christmas present

Bless you.

Health recommends wearing a mask if you have symptoms in the face of the uptick in flu and Covid

  • Written by: EUROPA PRESS Madrid

Health recommends wearing a mask if you have symptoms in the face of the uptick in flu and Covid

Although an uptick in cases of Covid, influenza A and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) has been detected, the semFYC has specified that co-infection is very low. However, family doctors have warned, once again, of a possible worsening of the situation after the celebration of the Three Kings festival and with the return to classes, although they have recalled that the current data were predictable and are similar to the time before the pandemic.

In order to collaborate in these preventive measures, the semFYC will distribute a behavioral guide for people with a viral condition, recommending that they rest and avoid social interaction. It also urges them to go to the family doctor only if they are at risk or if the evolution is unfavorable in terms of respiratory capacity and fever.

  • Influenza
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19