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Stefan Raab (2017)

Photo: Vistapress / Yannik Bikker / imago images / VISTAPRESS

The long-time presenter of »TV Total« and »Schlag den Raab«, Stefan Raab, has co-founded a new production company. Raab Entertainment will open its doors on January 1, wrote the new managing director and former ProSieben and Sat.1 station boss Daniel Rosemann on the social network LinkedIn. The media service DWDL had already reported on such rumours in November.

"We have big plans and want to start the new year with a great team and lots of ideas," Rosemann wrote in the job advertisement on LinkedIn. The company profile read: "Raab Entertainment produces moving image content for all broadcasters, platforms and customers, we are creative and hands-on." The company develops "concepts and ideas that are unique". He did not write anything about details, such as the content produced or the company's customers.

In response to an inquiry from SPIEGEL, Rosemann said: "I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your understanding that we do not wish to make any further public statements at this time." Raab also did not want to comment on the new production company, it was said by his former manager, Gaby Allendorf.

In October last year, Rosemann left ProSieben and Sat.1 after 15 years with the broadcasting group. Shortly before, it had been announced that Raab and the production company Brainpool would also go their separate ways. The former Viva presenter and the Cologne-based company had founded Raab TV together. The company was responsible for the production of the show »TV Total«, which was hosted by Raab for a long time and is still broadcast on ProSieben today and is now hosted by Sebastian Pufpaff. Stefan Raab retired from television as a presenter in 2015 and has since been working behind the scenes as a programme developer.
