, Ningxia Longde, January 1 Topic: Longde warm pot: The warmth of the stove is strong

Chinanews reporter Yu Jing

The data map shows the Lund warm pot. Photo by Chinanews reporter Yu Jing

A pot of hot and spicy smorgasbord, a piece of light and translucent pork belly, several times tumbled, and then dipped in a little thick green onion and garlic paste, soaked in the mellow fragrance of the Loess Plateau. "The taste comes from the boiling, and the fragrance comes from the fire." This is the traditional food of Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia - warm pot.

The warm pot is an indispensable flavor meal on the New Year's Day table of Longde people. On January 1, the reporter came to Longyuan Warm Pot in Longde County to feel the unique warmth that the warm pot brings to the people of Longde.

On the same day, Chen Sufang, the representative inheritor of the Longde Warm Pot Project, an intangible cultural heritage of Ningxia Guyuan, was busy in the store. She spreads bean sprouts, bean skin, radish, cabbage, vermicelli, winter melon, fungus, broad beans and other dishes along the bottom of the pot, and then stacks pork ribs, meatballs, and crispy pork with sand, and spreads a layer of fragrant and attractive pork belly slices on top, pours a clear and mellow broth, and covers the pot. The charcoal in the hearth is red, and the lid of the pot gradually can't hide the boiling sound of "cooing".

A warm copper pot, all kinds of ingredients gathered. The Lund Warm Pot, always presented in a blending and colorful appearance, has a place on the table of the locals with a long and peaceful time.

"Hey, hello, do you want to order a hot pot? How many of you do you want a big pot or a medium pot? What time do you come? "There were 7 of us, we arrived at 6 p.m. and booked a cauldron." At 12 noon, Chen Sufang answered dozens of calls from diners to book a hot pot dinner, and she told the chef to prepare the ingredients in advance. Zhang Ziqiang, a tourist from Shanxi, said with a smile: "If you don't eat the hot pot, it means that you haven't been to Lund, and the warm pot is a business card of Lund, and I made a strategy before I came." ”

Chen Sufang told reporters that for the warm pot, different ingredients have their own particulars. It is best to over-oil the pork belly to remove the excess fat, which is firmer and more resistant to cooking. Tofu is best with handmade brine old tofu, and the more it is stewed in broth, the more soft and delicious it is. If there are "dry goods" such as dried daylily, dried cabbage, and dried beans, then the warm pot will have more charm. Fresh vegetables are tender and fragrant, and dried vegetables have a long flavor, and the two are an excellent pairing.

"Green ants are freshly brewed with wine, and the red clay is a small stove. If you want snow in the evening, can you drink a glass of nothing? "Warm pot, in a sense, is our oldest hot pot. The times have changed, what has not changed is our inheritance of traditional food culture, for thousands of years, "eating a warm pot" is the eternal "story of time" of Longde people, and it is also the warmest memory.

Chen Sufang is a native of Chenjiagou Village, Wenbao Township, Longde County, in the 60s of the last century, Chen Sufang's mother married to Longde, and also brought her first-hand good tea and rice. The scene of her mother working in the kitchen and the casserole sizzling on the stove is the happiest part of Chen Sufang's memory, and the family sits around and eats warmly and steadily.

"At that time, there were no copper pots, but casseroles, and some home-grown vegetables such as radish and cabbage were stewed together, and some meat and ribs were sporadically embellished." Chen Sufang recalls that her mother used local materials and continuous improvement on the basis of the traditional requirements for making and serving hot pots, and cooked a home-style taste that was unchanged, with full color, flavor and affordability.

Mr. Wu, who returned home from Shanghai for New Year's Day, told reporters that he used to come to this store often when he was studying, and now, every time he returns to Longde, he comes to eat a warm pot and taste the taste of his hometown. In addition to Mr. Wu, several citizens in the store also told reporters that they all came back from other places, and what they were most worried about was the taste of the warm pot.

Eating a warm pot on New Year's Day symbolizes the reunion of the family. The abundant and piping hot ingredients also imply a prosperous day. Family reunion, eat warm and prosperous. The affection of home, the warmth of home, and the taste of home are steaming in the heat. "Gather around the stove and cheer, and the flavors melt in the small kettle." Lund Warm Pot not only inherits local food Xi, but also pins on Lund people's yearning for a better life. (ENDS)