Are you traveling in 2023? Many people's answer is yes, compared with the previous three years of Xi at home, the current free travel to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland surging mood often wells up in their hearts.

Inventory 2023, from "Director of Culture and Tourism Rolls to the Sky", "Special Forces Tourism", "Village BA", "Village Super" to City Walk in the city, Wenbo fever, and then to the double festival superimposed scenic spots "People from the crowd"... Behind the rising enthusiasm and refreshing data, behind those unforgettable tourism buzzwords, people's expectations for a better life are reflected, and the strong recovery of the tourism market is also presented, as well as new changes in the market atmosphere, tourism experience and Internet celebrity cities.

Changes in the market A strong recovery

In 2023, the major scenic spots will reappear in the hot scene of crowds, and the tourism market will usher in the long-lost "fireworks". The holiday market, which has been the hottest since the beginning of statistical records, is the epitome of the changes in China's tourism market this year, and is also a commentary on the strong recovery of the market.

Hot word "people conform to the herd"

On October 10, more than 1,30 tourists from all over the country witnessed the five-star red flag rising in Tiananmen Square to welcome the first rays of sunshine. The familiar scenic spots "people from the crowd" appear in large numbers again! The Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day in 2023 will be connected to form an 8-day ultra-long holiday, superimposed on the impact of the Hangzhou Asian Games and cultural tourism policies in many places, and the demand for public tourism, family visits, and games is very strong, forming the most popular holiday tourism market since the statistical record. According to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourists during the 8-day holiday was 8 million, a year-on-year increase of 26.71% on a comparable basis and an increase of 3.2019% over 4; The domestic tourism revenue reached 1.7534 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.129% on a comparable basis and an increase of 5.2019% over 1. This is the hottest holiday travel market on record!

On December 12, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Authoritative Departments Talk about the Beginning". According to statistics, in the first three quarters of this year, the total number of domestic tourists was 14.36 billion, and the tourism revenue was 7.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 7% and 75% year-on-year respectively. Residents' demand for tourism has been released in a concentrated manner, and residents' travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it has also promoted economic recovery. In response to a reporter's question, Du Jiang, vice minister of culture and tourism, said that this year's tourism market can be described as "hot".

Hot words: The director of culture and tourism rolls up to the sky

In the first half of 2023, hundreds of millions of netizens are exclaiming, "Now the directors of culture and tourism everywhere are really 'rolling' to the sky!" ”。 With the acceleration of the recovery of cultural tourism across the country, the director of culture and tourism has "opened" out, and joined the "involution" wave of promoting local cultural and tourism resources by means of cross-dressing, showing talents, and challenging the limit, which has been well received and has become a hot topic.

Behind this, it is the whole society that is looking forward to taking cultural and tourism consumption services as an opportunity to promote the comprehensive recovery of domestic consumer demand. The director of culture and tourism is out of the circle, and it has really driven local tourism, and the search popularity of tourism in related places where many tourism directors are "out of the circle" has increased to varying degrees, and the marketing effect is good.

As Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, said, tourism needs Internet celebrities, but Internet celebrities are not the whole of tourism. After "out of the circle", the directors of culture and tourism, in addition to changing the idea of cultural tourism promotion, have also paid more and more attention to the underlying logic of the development of tourist destinations such as convenient transportation system, perfect infrastructure, public service and business environment, and high-quality lifestyle, so as to expand the cultural tourism brand, dig deep into the characteristics of cultural tourism, and explore a path suitable for the high-quality development of their own cultural and tourism industry.

Hot words: Cultural and museum venues are hot

"All appointments are full in the next 7 days", "I can't make an appointment at all, crazy brushing"... This is the "hard to find" situation in museums in many places during the summer and holidays this year. From July to August 2023, the total number of visitors to the Guangdong Provincial Museum (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Expo") was nearly 7,8, more than double that of the same period in 70. The total number of summer admissions at the Memorial Hall of the Agricultural Lecture Institute was about 2019,29, nearly double the 2019,16 in the same period in 1.

The rising popularity reflects the people's growing demand for a better life, and also prompts public venues, cultural and tourism enterprises and other innovative means and multiple measures to continue to increase high-quality supply and better meet the public's diversified consumption needs. In order to alleviate the pressure of "hard to find a ticket" and meet the cultural needs of the audience, many museums in Guangdong have flexibly adjusted their opening hours, and launched interesting cultural activities such as "Museum Night", stargazing camping, and concerts, so that the audience can "enter the museum not only to watch the exhibition" and have a richer cultural experience. In the summer, many museums across the country announced that they would break the practice of "closing on Mondays" to better meet the spiritual and cultural needs of citizens and tourists.

Hot words: Performing arts bring fire tourism

In 2023, "going to a city for a concert" has become a new phenomenon of cultural tourism. As "selling out immediately" has become a reality for many concerts and music festivals, some audiences have even "squatted for 30 concerts and still haven't grabbed a ticket", so they can only "cross most of China to participate in music festivals" and "go to cities they have never heard of to see performances".

In the first three quarters of 2023, the per capita revenue contribution of tourism entertainers was 5 times that of the average revenue contribution of attraction tickets in the same period, showing a strong multiplier effect. The premium rate of hotels around the performance has increased significantly, with the highest premium rate reaching more than 40% in Suzhou, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen and other places. Douyin's 2023 summer cultural tourism data report also shows that topics related to summer music festivals and concerts have been played 360.7 billion times, and the activities have driven a 72% month-on-month increase in travel orders and an 86% month-on-month increase in sales in Wuhan scenic spots, and a 70% month-on-month increase in travel orders and a 92% month-on-month increase in sales in Xi'an scenic spots.

Change of experience The gameplay has its own personality

Scenic spots are no longer the only driving force for tourists to travel, life elements are integrated into tourism and leisure, unlocking new ways to play tourism, and showing the personalized needs of tourism consumption.

Hot words: Special forces tourism

30 hours round trip 1300 kilometers to 6 scenic spots, 33 hours speed tour of Beijing 8 scenic spots in one day... In 2023, a very new way of tourism has quietly emerged among young people - "special forces tourism", and more and more contemporary young people choose to challenge the limits of physical strength and time, in order to spend the least amount of time and money, visit the most attractions, pursue short time and high efficiency, and focus on a "have been". On major social platforms, countless "special forces" use words and images to record their "achievements".

Behind the popularity of "special forces tourism" is "efficient travelers + efficient hardware facilities". The increasing improvement of the transportation system, the increasing development of network technology, the further improvement of the quality of the service industry, coupled with the opening of the night tour mode of some popular scenic spots, and the 24-hour opening of some public places to provide tourists with food and resting places, all provide the possibility and feasibility of "special military tourism". Although there is a reason that "young people don't have enough time to spare, and their wallets are not bulging enough", it is not simply a poor trip, but also an active experience of food and beauty, which is a carnival of enjoying tourism. It is a practice for contemporary young people to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

Hot Words City Walk

In 2023, a city walk trend is emerging in major cities across China. Following the special forces tour, young people are happy to walk along the small roads together. People who don't know think that this is a new way of saying the traditional "rolling the road and walking the bend", City Walk, the gameplay is more thematic than ordinary shopping.

Historical and humanistic classic routes, film and television dramas with the same check-in places, special food collections... According to different clues and ideas, people reconnect the elements in the city, deriving more and more new scenes of cultural tourism. Whether it is a tourist or a local resident, in the City Walk to explore the city in an all-round way, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery and food, but also feel the "human touch" of the city.

Reading the city in the neighborhood reflects the upgrading and development of the tourism industry and the transformation of tourism consumption patterns in recent years.

The change of location, the Internet celebrity city "sinks"

During the holiday season in 2023, there is a clear trend of integration of culture, sports and tourism in China's tourism market, with cultural landmarks becoming popular destinations, and cities rich in "Internet celebrity" culture being more favored. In 2023, Internet celebrity cities are no longer just the label of big cities, and more and more second-, third-, and even fourth-tier cities have come to the forefront, realizing the "sinking" of Internet celebrity cities.

Hot Words Jiangmen "Hurricane"

At the beginning of 2023, the ratings of the anti-crime drama "Hurricane" are unbeatable, bringing unprecedented attention to Jiangmen, Guangdong, the core filming location of the series. In fact, Jiangmen has always had the potential to become an Internet celebrity city. From the popular film and television works "Let the Bullets Fly", "The Grandmaster", "Wind and Snow Xiguan", "Breaking the Storm" and other filming here, to "Hurricane" finally realized "film and television works bring fire to a city".

According to official data, during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, Jiangmen received 501.3 million tourists, with tourism revenue of 28.81 billion yuan, an increase of 170.49% and 156.77% year-on-year respectively. Among them, A-level scenic spots received 96,36 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 189.54%. The "long-tail effect" of "Hurricane" is gradually emerging.

In recent years, there are many cities that have become Internet celebrities with film and television dramas, such as Xiangyang, Hubei, which became popular with "Hello, Li Huanying", and Xiamen, Fujian, which has become popular with many film and television dramas. According to the "China Film and Television Comprehensive Filming Report", the post-90s and post-00s who are keen to enjoy life and explore the world have become the main consumers of filming location tourism, accounting for more than 57%. In addition, residents of first-tier and new first-tier cities prefer to follow the film and television comprehensive check-in.

Hot words: Zibo barbecue

"Don't ask how much the ticket is, just ask how much youth is." Not only contemporary college students rush to Zibo to "barbecue", but even tourists do not hesitate to take the international "fly" across most of the world to Zibo to play skewers. In March and April of the first half of the year, almost all food topics in China were occupied by "Zibo barbecue", which became a phenomenal "fireside night talk". Today, Zibo, Shandong Province, which has been brought on fire by barbecue, has not only become the "top stream" among third-tier cities, but also a model for the Xi of national tourist cities.

From the United Kingdom, France, and Africa, Douyin often sees many people who do not hesitate to take the international "fly" across most of the world to Zibo to make strings, and the "Zibo Barbecue" WeChat index has exceeded 10 million for 100 consecutive days.

Hot Words Qiandongnan "Village Competition"

With the fiery live atmosphere and distinctive ethnic performances... The "Village Super" and "Village BA" in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province have become popular throughout the year, becoming the top online celebrity tourist destination in 2023, and also driving the rolling heat wave of sports events with the prefix "Village" in various countries and regions.

The "Village BA" (village basketball game) in Taijiang County, southeast of Qiandong, quickly "went out of the circle" with amazing energy and unique charm. The "Village Super" (Hemei Rural Football Super League) held in Rongjiang County, southeast of Qiandong, has the highest attendance of more than 6,480 in a single game, more than 130 billion views on the whole network, and more than 12 billion Douyin video playbacks, setting a historical record in various data. The huge online and offline traffic even among the 2023 "<> National Day Holiday Sports Tourism Boutique Routes" jointly released by the General Administration of Sports and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Guizhou Qiandongnan "Village BA" and "Village Super" sports tourism routes were selected.

Now go to the southeast of Guizhou, all the way to the journey can feel the most popular "village BA" and "village super" scene in Guizhou, immersed in the scenery like a picture scroll and the unique folk customs.

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Cungen