Tick, tock... The clock, like the one in the Puerta del Sol, has been set in motion. And with it, the countdown begins to the first fashion event of the year: finding out which dress Cristina Pedroche will wear for the first time in 2024.

This time it will be very special, for different reasons. The first marks a decade since that first time when the presenter welcomed the new year on La Sexta, then together with Frank Blanco, who presented Zapeando. Today, Alberto Chicote is her partner, after Carlos Sobera, who accompanied her in 2015.

After that debut, and the impact it caused in an entire country accustomed to welcoming the year with a cape and cava, he made the leap to Antena 3 and began a meteoric stylistic career with a bang. What will Pedroche's dress be like? It invariably becomes the topic of conversation every December, because she takes risks and pushes all limits, with designs that never go unnoticed.

In the retina, the piece that started it all, the black Charo Ibiza with embroidery from 2014. Then, all kinds of insurrections: the duvet duvet by Pedro del Hierro, the futuristic design by the late Manuel Piña, the ancestral Japanese art of the dress by the artist Jacinto de Manuel, the floral bikini signed by Tom-Hom or the transparent jumpsuit by Hervé Moreau, at that time director of Pronovias, to name a few.

While we wait to find out what irreverent design the presenter will celebrate the New Year with, and her 10 years presenting the chimes, what we do know is how she prepares for the event: exfoliating massages, manicures, yoga... This year Cristina feels a special responsibility: "At this time of year I'm already very nervous, and this year I'm even more so. I need everything to go right. And preparations are crucial. We unveil them.

This is how Cristina Pedroche prepares to ring the bells

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An exfoliating treatment

When it comes to showing skin, the goal is to make it not look like a goosebump, no matter how much the thermometer attacks. That's why you have to have it perfect, soft and radiant. Every September, Cristina Pedroche undergoes a total exfoliating treatment to counteract the effects of the sun, salt and chlorine in summer. This year she has chosen this one from Santum Aesthetics, which leaves her skin "super luminous and soft", she explains.

Flawless manicure

Cristina Pedroche is giving clues as to what her dress will look like for the start of 2024: "Guess guess, a small bug flies among the flowers and has wings of many colors". Bet? Butterflies, the ones you see in the video she has posted on her social networks, completely naked, running through the forest and remembering all the dresses she has worn in recent years. For now, what we know for sure is what her manicure will look like: "Nails ready for the dress," she writes as she shows her hands, in impeccable red.

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Workouts with distractions

After her motherhood, Cristina Pedroche's fitness routines have also changed. "Now my workouts need more breaks, because there are distractions," says the presenter, who adds: "The most beautiful ones," referring to her daughter Laia, by her side although always out of shot. Cristina explained that in this type of exercise "it is not necessary to do an exact number of repetitions, the best thing to do would be to be at least 30-45 seconds in each posture. There is no maximum, but with 2 minutes in each one you can notice the benefits much faster. However, the most important thing is that you listen to your body, and let yourself flow so that you spend more or less time in each position."

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Reading to tidy up your head

"One more year at this time, I'm already very nervous. It's true that this year I'm even more so. I need everything to go well," confesses the presenter. To calm your nerves, take advantage of any free time to read between recordings. Now, a book that "is touching him a lot" and is "making him think and rethink things... I'm sure you know what it is. As soon as I'm done I'll tell you well. For the time being, he has recommended 'Mangata', by Estefanía Ruiz: "It seems that it is a tradition that when the cold arrives I bring out a new book".

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Yoga for Flow

Cristina Pedroche has always opted to combine strength routines with yoga to stay in shape, even after pregnancy. In addition to taking care of your body, this last discipline helps you to organize your mind in the new stage you are experiencing. "Little by little coming back to everything. Today I just let myself go feeling my breathing. I have to apply this to everything. Just flow. Namaste," says the presenter.

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Abdominopelvic re-education

To recover and tone the abdomen, Cristina Pedroche has focused her fitness routines on core work, practicing 20 minutes of exercises to help in abdominopelvic re-education. It is essential to use dumbbells and elastic bands to gain strength, and a trunk to gain balance. "Of course, before doing anything, I went for a pelvic floor check-up with the specialist physio," she warns. The first exercises she did after giving birth were "stretching, with a lot of control of the pelvic floor."

Separators on the feet

It's a trend that the presenter has imposed: training with separators on your toes. She also uses them to be around the house, because they give her stability and help her feet and toes return to their natural shape. Using separators helps prevent different pathologies, says the presenter: bunions, claw toes, ingrown toenails...

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A different body

The body that Cristina Pedroche will show after the last bell will be, as always, spectacular. But not the same. After her motherhood, the presenter has taken special care of her diet and has followed rigorous training routines that have given their results and have taken care of both her physical and mental health: "And yes, jeans don't fasten me, but now it's fashion, isn't it?
For me, yes." And for us, too.

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Beating Stress

The first month after giving birth was an overwhelming period for the presenter; He was terrified to go out. "That if the babywearing is on properly, that if she cries and needs a boob where do I wear, if she is comfortable in the car, if the car seat is fine, she will be hot or cold... It's not easy for me," he said. On their first birthday they went out to eat at Street XO and took the car for a ride, walking is a way to beat stress. "I'm happy because I see that little by little I'm going to get there."

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The benefits of a long walk

The virtues of walking are undeniable when it comes to getting in shape; It's the easiest way to exercise while avoiding stress and boosting energy levels. Cristina Pedroche leaves room for an hour's walk with her daughter – "My best friend", she says – before the start of the game show she presents, 'Password', in prime time on Antena 3.

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Postpartum, a spectacular recovery

A week after giving birth, Cristina Pedroche showed her body on social media without any complex. The recovery was spectacular thanks to continuous exercise and the help of some aesthetic advances, such as the pink ribbons that cross her belly. This is kinesiotape, a colored elastic tape that is placed over specific areas of the skin to provide support and helps tone the abdomen. She put it on the day after giving birth to give more support to her abdominal area and transverses. "Two days later I took it off, because I wanted to look good on my belly, but I put it back on because I could feel the difference a lot. It also helped me to have a correct posture," he says.

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