• Protest Culture joins forces against censorship cases promoted by city councils governed by PP and Vox
  • Madrid Vox censors a feminist play by Virginia Woolf in Valdemorillo scheduled for November 25

The companies Los 90 Produce and La Mandanga Producciones have used their social networks to denounce the "censorship" suffered by the City Council of Quintanar de la Orden (Toledo), which has decided to withdraw from the program the show Qué difícil es, scheduled for January 27 through the Network of Theaters of Castilla-La Mancha. alleging that "actors appear in their underwear".

According to the account of the producers, collected by the Europa Press agency, the cancellation has been communicated in writing by the mayor of Culture, María del Carmen Vallejo, alleging that the appearance of the actors in their underwear "could scandalize the public". The City Council of Quintanar de la Orden is led by the PP with the support of three Vox councillors, who broke the tie between the PP and PSOE.

As they argue, the play takes place in a dressing room while the characters are changing. "Obviously, they appear in their underwear. If the play took place in a arena, they would be clothed in lights. And you have to have very few lights to censor something that hasn't been seen. Our show has been performed in front of more than 3,000 spectators with audiences of all kinds, including school groups, as it deals with current and profound issues such as bullying, suicide or sexual diversity," they add in their testimony. "We have never received a complaint and we are not aware of anyone being shocked."

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Vox ends the Peripheries Festival of Huesca: "It only serves to water progressive cultures with hundreds of thousands of euros"

  • Written by: JAVIER ORTEGA Zaragoza

Vox ends the Peripheries Festival of Huesca: "It only serves to water progressive cultures with hundreds of thousands of euros"


The City Council of PP and Vox in Talayuela censors a work on sexist violence because "it was not suitable for the people"

  • Written by: DAVID VIGARIO Mérida

The City Council of PP and Vox in Talayuela censors a work on sexist violence because "it was not suitable for the people"

This veto "is an attack on culture, a mechanism for a ruler to prevent others from seeing what bothers her or simply does not like, that uses public money, everyone's, to carry out a work of authentic indoctrination in concepts, not values, retrograde and outdated."

"No one today can be shocked to see someone in their underwear or swimsuits. It is merely an excuse to impede the free speech that guides the work. This cancellation is also an insult to the residents of Quintanar de la Orden, since the money with which our show was going to be paid for came from a subsidy from the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, and it has not been possible to allocate it to any other performance", they regret.

  • Vox
  • theatre
  • Toledo
  • PP