• Manuel Turizo, the 'anti-system' of 'La bachata' who challenges the machismo of reggaeton: "I'm going to start putting kids on stage"
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo: "The first time I saw Eva was on a plane and she told me: 'It's a shame I didn't meet you sooner, because I would have voted for you'"

The second season of '30 Coins' was made to beg. Were they lazy, perhaps? It's a series with very complex scripts, with a lot of post-production work... In this new installment we're even going to get into hell, mind you, and that takes a long time. Hell, what a journey. Now any Spanish fiction looks like Alien, the eighth passenger. If Alfredo Landa were to raise his head... One of the symptoms of the good moment we are going through is that our series are dubbed into several languages. We are no longer looked down upon. We are respected all over the world. Isn't it hard to ride with so many monsters? Like the kids and the dogs... You can't pretend to get inside Álex de la Iglesia's head or encompass his imagination. That he asks you to fight with a pillow that will later, with the effects, turn into a monster? Well, it's time to obey and beat yourself up with the pillow. And it works. '30 Coins' has as its starting point the payment that Judas Thaddeus received when he betrayed Jesus Christ. That is, the apocalyptic struggle between good and evil. Any conclusions? The system now makes everything black or white, fire or water. We live by the slogan and we don't stop at the nuance. What we consume moves so fast that it is not interesting to go deeper. Even when they ask me about something, I feel like what they want is the headline and not go any further, but you can't always choose between right or left. What a master class in philosophy, sir. Without wanting to look for a headline, has being a sex symbol weighed heavily on you? And have you seen my work over the years? Do they all look the same to you or can you identify the different energy I put into each character? Well, the kid went crazy for her bones in 'Sin tetas no hay paraíso'. I don't know if that objectification of women that the #MeToo talks about could be applied to you... And why don't you ask Penélope Cruz that, and see what she thinks? An actress who has been giving us roles like Donatella Versace for decades, where she does something amazing with that Italian accent. Or what he achieves in 'Don't Move', with a brutal loss of innocence. Or when he borders on genius in 'Volver'... Fame, okay? At first it was a bit too big, and I had to stop for a year and a half. When I'm on promotion like now, talking so much, and so much about myself, sometimes I start to get conflicted. But I'm aware of my privilege to have a job and that no actor is indispensable. But if they say it so much, it will be true that success can change you. If you will allow me to spy on you through a little hole, when the lights go out and the tinsel goes out, what do you spend your free time doing? It's always been easy for me to switch off when they say cut. I am a Valencian gardener who likes to work the land, clean tomatoes and potatoes, cook them... Wherever there is a good paella, let the best party in New York take away. In fact, I'm going to live in Italy for a while to learn how to cook. What a lone wolf you are made of. I'm getting along better and better with myself, I've learned to forgive myself. In the morning I like to get up early to have some alone time and I enjoy having dinner alone. Yes. I like time to stand still in silence. And in 30 years, what? All bald? When I see José Sacristán I imagine myself like him, with his boots on. This profession involves a very exciting way of life, and that is addictive. But I don't know if, when the time comes, that romantic side or the need to pay the bills will weigh more heavily on me.