The object of the game is that someone starts by drawing a head and folds. Then the next person in line gets to fill up with the upper body and the person next with the legs or feet. When everyone has finished drawing, fold up the drawing to see the end result.

During the pandemic, illustrator Marcus-Gunnar Pettersson felt dejected and worn out. The desire to draw had faded away and the work felt meaningless.

"Was very tired"

Marcus-Gunnar realized that he wanted to do something more playful. It turned out that he was not alone in this, in one afternoon over 150 artists around the country had contacted him and said that they were interested in joining in and playing.

"I was very fed up and thought that our industry was so individualised, it was very rare to get the chance to do something together," says Marcus-Gunnar Pettersson.

Sven Nordqvist, Lasse Åberg, Gunna Grähs, Jan Lööf and Emma Adbåge are some of the artists who have been involved in drawing. In addition to the exhibition, there is also a limited edition of books for sale.