The "2023 China Game Industry Annual Conference" opened

In addition to entertainment, there are many more possibilities for "games".

Yesterday, the "2023 China Game Industry Annual Conference" (hereinafter referred to as the "Annual Conference") opened in Guangzhou, where many authoritative figures from the government, academia, and industry gathered to discuss the cultural value, technological value, and social value of games, deeply analyze the essential attributes of games, and discuss the development direction of games on a new journey from multiple perspectives. As a technology-driven cultural expression, with the development of game technology, how to recognize games has become one of the hot topics at the annual conference.


Become a "new container of culture" and "go out" with traditional Chinese culture

On the first day of the annual meeting, 16 forums with different contents and forward-looking topics were held at the same time. At the forum of "Chinese Games-New Container for Culture", Ao Ran, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association, reviewed the development process of China's game industry from the past, present and future. He said that with the development of emerging technologies such as 5G, AI and blockchain, game technology is increasingly entering the field outside of games, promoting games to become a "super digital scene" that constantly creates new value and new possibilities, and has a profound impact on education, social networking and technological innovation and other social aspects. In a more immersive, intelligent and interactive form, it also helps traditional culture continue to glow with new vitality, making Chinese games a new way for the world to understand Chinese culture in an all-round and multi-angle way.

At the scene, Ao Ran announced the results of the questionnaire survey on "China's Game Influence" launched by the China Audio-video and Digital Publishing Association for netizens. According to the questionnaire, 90.2% of the respondents believe that Chinese games are increasingly becoming a "new container" for China's excellent traditional culture; 91.6% of the respondents believe that Chinese games play an important role in the "going out" of China's excellent traditional culture. According to the survey, in the mobile game market, the top 3 products that can best represent Chinese games are "Honor of Kings", "Peace Elite" and "Genshin Impact", which are becoming new business cards for international cultural exchanges.


Super digital scenarios contribute 46.76% to the progress of mobile phones

At the forum on "Super Digital Scene Drives Future Digital Productivity - Game Re-cognition", the China Audio-video and Digital Publishing Association and the Industrial Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly released the report "The Source Power of Super Digital Scenes: Research on Game Technology and Innovative Applications". The report also points out that with the development of digital technology, super digital scenes as the essential attribute of games are becoming a global consensus. Through more open scene connection, game technology is unleashing huge digital productivity in more and more extensive social production areas.

The report proposes the concept of super-digital index for the first time, and measures the contribution rate of cross-industry scientific and technological progress of game technology by examining the correlation between game technology and cross-industry technology clusters, which intuitively reflects the role of game technology in promoting a certain industry. According to the report, in 2022, game technology will contribute 18.65%, 31.37%, 51.08%, and 46.76% to the scientific and technological progress of important infrastructure such as chips, AI, cloud computing, and mobile phones, respectively. The contribution rates to XR, autonomous driving, telemedicine, industrial design services and other cutting-edge industries of the era are 72.45%, 57.19%, 17.47% and 29.47% respectively. There's no doubt that gaming tech is part of hard tech.

"China attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy, which is a strategic choice to grasp the new opportunities of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. With the continuous breakthrough of key technologies such as artificial intelligence, as an important part of the digital economy, the essential attributes of the game industry have been re-recognized in recent years. Ao Ran said.

Yang Lei, head of the Science and Technology Innovation Department of China Southern Airlines Zhuhai Wing, mentioned at the annual meeting that based on the capabilities of the game engine, pilots can also experience the actual flight environment "realistically" on the simulator. Six months ago, based on Tencent's self-developed game engine technology and China Southern Airlines' self-developed virtual image display technology, China Southern Airlines and Tencent jointly created a new generation of visual system was released, which also made China officially the third country in the world to independently develop a complete visual system.

Sun Ruofeng, a distinguished researcher at the Cultural Industry Research Institute of Chinese University, believes that "human beings not only integrate into reality through games, but also transcend reality through imagination in games." "At present, digital technology is delivering productivity to many cross-border fields such as culture, industrial production, and tourism, and it has become a global consensus that games, as a super digital scenario, can help accelerate the upgrading of related technologies, promote the fission of business formats, and enhance industrial value.


Fulfill corporate responsibility and ensure the healthy growth of minors

With the continuous advancement of the standardization process of the game industry and the increasing number of application scenarios, games are showing more social value. At this year's annual meeting, the "2023 Game Charity Ceremony" was themed "Yilu Protects Seedlings Together", and game companies actively practiced corporate social responsibility by participating in public welfare actions, promoting cultural heritage protection, and helping the public improve their online literacy.

Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of the China Audio-video and Digital Publishing Association and chairman of the Game Working Committee, said in his speech that digital technology is used to create high-quality products to spread positive value; Build a safe online environment to ensure the healthy growth of minors.

Text/Reporter Wang Lei Coordinator/Man Yi

(Beijing Youth Daily)