The first Healthy Guangzhou Fat Reduction Competition came to a successful conclusion

There are misunderstandings about fat loss, and there are tricks to crack it

Text, photo/Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Sun Jiahui

Correspondents: Yu Hongxia, Wang Chuang

A few days ago, the 2023 Healthy Guangzhou Fat Loss Competition, which was fully supported by China Sports Lottery, came to an end. Ma Mingjun and Chen Wenzhong won the championship and runner-up in the individual group, and Chen Dandan and Liang Yunqing tied for third place. It is worth mentioning that Chen Dandan has lost 4 kilograms of fat in the past 50 months, but she finally lost to Ma Mingjun, who lost 15 kilograms of fat, what is the reason for this; The latter and his wife both signed up for the competition and won awards, they revealed the sweets and pains and secrets in the process of fat loss, and debunked the rumor that "drinking water will grow meat".

2263,<> people sought after the fat loss competition

The competition was hosted by the Guangzhou Institute of Sports Science, hosted by Guangzhou Kaiyue Sports, and supported by the Guangzhou Mass Sports Guidance Center and the Guangzhou Sports Lottery Management Center. It is precisely because of the blessing of sports scientific research institutions that this competition has accepted registration offline and online since the official start of the National Fitness Day on August 8, and according to statistics, a total of 8,2263 players have signed up for the competition.

After 90 days of competition, Ma Mingjun from Guangzhou and the Yellow Lightning team won the individual group and team championship respectively. At the closing ceremony, the organizing committee of the competition awarded certificates and bonuses to the top three participants in the individual group and the group group.

Chang Ziyan, who won the best persistence award, said that this competition is an opportunity to reshape himself, in the past due to a variety of reasons caused by excessive obesity, since signing up for the fat loss competition, following the scientific advice provided by the organizing committee, from the work and rest, diet, exercise and other aspects of change Xi, feel the physical and mental transformation, from the beginning of the resistance to the enjoyment of the second half of the stage, hope to continue to persevere, maintain this state, devote to work and life.

Ding Ningtao, director of the Guangzhou Institute of Sports Science, said that by creating an atmosphere for the event, the importance of scientific fat loss was emphasized, everyone's understanding of scientific fat loss was raised, and overweight or obese people were encouraged to join the fat loss team.

According to the national physical fitness monitoring data of Guangdong Province (2016-2019), the overweight and obesity rates of Guangzhou citizens have remained high in recent years, with the sum of the two indicators being about 40% for adults and 50% for the elderly. Overweight and obesity have become important factors that threaten the health of the general public. The Healthy Fat Loss Competition aims to create a positive atmosphere for more people to pay more attention to the issue of weight control and fat loss, and to encourage and support overweight and obese people to overcome difficulties and "declare war" on fat.

The competition is conducted in the form of a combination of online and offline, and the participants adopt healthy lifestyle management methods to reduce body fat and body mass during the competition period, and the one with the highest fat loss rate (offline competition) and weight loss rate (online competition) wins. Offline participants must select the same test site to complete three body fat tests during the competition, and the individual group will be ranked according to the individual body fat loss rate from high to low. This is also the reason why competitors with high absolute weight loss do not necessarily win the championship.

Debunk the rumor of "drinking water and growing meat".

Ma Mingjun, who won the individual championship, said after the game that he successfully lost 3 kilograms of fat in 15 months, "During this period, I ingested 3 liters of warm boiled water every day, and replaced simple dieting with scientific eating. ”

Interestingly, Ma Mingjun signed up for the competition with the encouragement of his wife, who did not stick to it after losing 5 kilograms due to physical problems, but he was very self-disciplined, gave up spending nights, food, insisted on eating high-protein foods such as chicken breast, reduced the intake of fat, sodium and salt, and a meticulous fitness plan, he successfully lost fat while keeping his muscles. "I weighed nearly 90 kilograms, had mild fatty liver, and since the competition, I have managed to lose half of my fat, about 15 kilograms, and the test shows that my body age is 10 years younger than my actual age." Ma Mingjun said, "In fact, whether you want to be fit, or want to be young or improve immunity, there is a core element - metabolism. ”

Ma Mingjun said that it is necessary to strengthen metabolism from the following aspects: first, water is the source of life, drink enough water, I have been ingesting 3 liters of warm boiled water every day in the past 3 months, pay attention to "warm boiled water"; Second, protein is the essence of life, eat less and more meals, eat more beef, chicken, fish and shrimp, etc., and avoid eating foods that are high in fat and sugar and contain trans fatty acids; Third, life lies in exercise, I think running and other aerobic combined anaerobic resistance training is a more effective scientific method for fat loss, there is a core indicator of "heart rate", only if the heart rate is maintained at a certain value and maintained for more than 30 minutes will there be a significant fat loss effect; Finally, and the most easily overlooked point, is to get enough sleep, don't stay up late, staying up late is not conducive to metabolism, so we don't have the strength to exercise, and we especially want to eat some high-calorie foods when we stay up late.

Regarding the question of "drinking water will grow meat", Ma Mingjun bluntly said that this is "pseudoscience", the calorie of water is 0, and the metabolism of water in the body will also consume calories, and "long meat" must be caused by other sources of calories and inactivity.

Ma Mingjun once again emphasized the importance of heart rate for the safety and effectiveness of fat loss, my heart rate during exercise is maintained at about 70% of the maximum heart rate, and the more common formula to determine the maximum heart rate is 170 minus my age, maintaining such a heart rate range during exercise has a positive effect on the heart function protection of athletes, and the effect of fat loss will appear only if it is maintained at such an intensity for 30 minutes.

Chen Dandan, from Xinjiang, finished tied for third place in the individual category, and during the competition, she managed to lose 28 kilograms, 50 kilograms during training in Guangzhou, and her weight was reduced from 133 kilograms to 83 kilograms. She told reporters that insisting on scientific exercise is the most effective means of fat loss, and refusing snacks and high-fat and high-sugar foods is also indispensable, and she is about to leave Guangzhou, although she has not tried Guangzhou food, but here has left her good memories, she has become more confident, and hopes to continue to persevere.

Advocate scientific fitness and fat loss

In order to strengthen the dissemination of scientific fat loss knowledge and methods, the organizer tailored a scientific fat loss video to broadcast on new media, and hosted offline and online scientific fat loss lectures, which not only provided participants with a full range of dietary advice, exercise programs, guidance to change lifestyles, healthy and successful fat loss, but also popularized scientific fat loss knowledge and methods for the general public, with an audience of more than 10,000 people. Offline scientific fat loss fitness sports such as swimming, badminton, and running organized by the organizing committee are also widely welcomed.

According to reports, Guangzhou Institute of Sports Science, as a national sports science popularization base, gives full play to its own advantages, innovates working methods on the basis of traditional science popularization methods, and uses events as science popularization carriers to expand the scope of communication and improve the effect of science popularization.

Statistics show that there are 4 million adults overweight in China, of which 4 million are obese, in recent years, the proportion of overweight and obesity among adults and the elderly in Guangzhou accounts for about 1%, and the metabolic syndrome caused by overweight and obesity - diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and other diseases is increasing year by year. In the future, Guangzhou Institute of Sports Science will cooperate with relevant scientific research institutes, medical institutions, and intelligent equipment manufacturers to promote scientific fat loss in a scientific, efficient and convenient direction, and make new contributions to the construction of a healthy Guangzhou. (Guangzhou Daily)