The pranksters, of course, have harshly deceived our "rulers of thoughts." In dialogues with imaginary Ukrainian officials, this entire company (Alexievich, Bykov*, Ulitskaya, and others) showed such a level of Russophobia that I became scared not even for myself, but for their consciousness.

And an equally high level, let's call it, of intellectual defenselessness, they revealed.

It's amazing: they barely think.

They have several thoughts, and all these thoughts are obvious, boring, embarrassing.

There was a country that fed and watered them. She introduced it into school and university programs. Raised to the very top.

Now they are waiting for everything to collapse and collapse and a light dusty smoke to rise over the ruins.

And covered with this smoke, they will come back.

And they talk about it without being too shy.

"Santa Claus, let it all burn down this year!"

But they weren't really what I wanted to talk about. With the position of the above, everything has been clear since 2014. And it was only the intersection of our cultural policy that allowed us to pretend that everything was normal.

Nothing was normal ten years ago.

If it weren't for the special military operation, we would have continued to live like this until the Apocalypse — with Alexievich's documentary prose in the university's section "Military Literature" and with all the other shamelessness.

A certain problem is that it is not at all certain that we will continue to live in any other way.

Imagine such a (not at all fantastic) situation when, if not these pranksters, then some others will start calling not those who have left, but local cultural managers, at least the first or the second link. Or a number of our artists of great magnitude. As well as no less famous directors, screenwriters, journalists and writers.

But to call not on behalf of Ukrainian officials, but on behalf of some Russian political institution.

And insinuatingly, but more and more inspired in the course of the conversation, offer:

You know, it's definitely not a secret for you that this collapse in our culture, and in politics as well, is destructive... Yes? And in fact, we agree with that, colleague. We need to think about the opposite trends. The time has come, we are sure. About what?.. For example, that our closeness to Europe is inseparable, not only political, but also cultural and aesthetic. That a certain change of course – well, you have noticed – in the direction of China, North Korea, these Africans, the Cubans – it was, of course, forced. But in general, even Warsaw is closer to us, even Warsaw. I'm not talking about London or Rome. About these places that are dear to us. And Nice?.. We've scattered rocks, it's time to collect. Where am I going with this? Don't you want to put (film, write) something, you know, anti-war? Even, you know, anti-totalitarian?.. It's agreed, agreed, don't worry. That there will be no return to the past! That we parted ways with all these guerrillas from Nicaragua and Somali rebels 30 years ago forever. That normal people still want to go to Jurmala, not to Pyongyang! That finally, Ukraine is an independent state and we highly appreciate their achievements in the field of democracy. What's more, they've actually succeeded a lot... Isn't it? And if it weren't for this Donbass revolt, if it weren't for all these Zakharchenkos and Motorolas, everything could have gone differently. Yes, colleague?.. I see, you understand me! Let's get to work? Yes? Speak plainly! Isn't it?

What kind of answer do you think you'll get nine times out of ten? Or 18 out of 20? Or 27 out of 30?

I just asked.

* Included in the register of individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent by the decision of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 29.07.2022.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.