According to the expert, the influence of the anticyclone will weaken every day.

"The moderate, prolonged snowfalls that came to the midlands are the influence of the Atlantic cyclone. It will influence [the weather – RT] in the first half of the week, and in the second half of the week, a southern cyclone will come to it for reinforcements, which will further push this cold beyond the Russian plain," Shuvalov said.

He also warned of prolonged snowfalls.

"They will go with short breaks. — RT) for almost the whole week. There will be two bursts of the heaviest precipitation - from Tuesday to Wednesday, if we take the Moscow region, and on Friday, when the southern cyclone approaches the Moscow region and gives another portion of precipitation. In a week, this will be comparable to half, and maybe a little more than half, of the monthly precipitation rate," the forecaster added.

He also noted that the first thaw is possible over the weekend.

Earlier, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, spoke about deviations from the climatic norm in Russia.