Today (December 12), the National Health Commission held a press conference to invite relevant experts to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in China's winter. What measures should schools, childcare facilities, etc. take to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, and should I still get vaccinated after I have recovered from cold symptoms? Learn about ↓↓ in one article


The overall fluctuation in the number of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in children has decreased

Mi Feng, spokesman of the National Health Commission, said that at present, the overall volume of diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases in medical institutions above the second level in the country has shown a fluctuating downward trend, and the increase in the number of pediatric diagnosis and treatment in some large children's specialized hospitals and general hospitals has been alleviated to a certain extent.

Judging from the overall situation of fever clinics and emergency departments, the number of respiratory disease visits across the country has been relatively stable in recent times, especially the diversion of some patients in primary medical institutions. There has been no impact on the overall normal medical services throughout the country.


What is the progress of influenza vaccination across the country?

Xia Gang, director of the Department of Health and Immunization of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, said that this year's influenza vaccine supply has the following characteristics:

First, the supply is early. Since July, vaccinators in various regions have started influenza vaccination services, earlier than the influenza season.

Second, the supply of vaccines is sufficient. This year, the production and supply of influenza vaccine have increased significantly compared with last year, and it can meet the needs of the masses for vaccination at this stage.

The third is to re-implement. Multiple arrangements have been made to guide all localities to actively promote influenza vaccination in accordance with the principle of informed consent.


What measures are being taken by key institutions and sites to prevent it?

Peng Zhibin, director of the Department of Respiratory Infectious Diseases of the Infectious Disease Management Department of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that schools, childcare institutions, public transportation and other areas are densely populated and relatively closed inside, which are key institutions and places for the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases.

For schools and childcare institutions

The first is to get vaccinated as early as possible and in a timely manner. Students, faculty, and staff should be vaccinated against influenza as soon as possible to improve their immune barrier and reduce the risk of disease.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen environmental cleanliness, maintain indoor hygiene, regularly open windows for ventilation, maintain indoor air flow, and improve classroom air quality.

Third, it is recommended to strengthen health monitoring, do a good job in morning and afternoon inspections, absenteeism and absenteeism registration, etc., and students, faculty and staff are advised to go to class without illness to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases into schools or classrooms.

For public transport

First, it is necessary to do a good job in cleaning and disinfection of the interior of the vehicle, and regularly ventilate to ensure the internal air quality of the vehicle;

Second, it is recommended to wear masks during the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases to reduce the risk of exposure and morbidity, and be the first person responsible for one's own health.

(Related: Prevention of Respiratory Infections Which Situations or Scenarios Should Masks Be Worn?) Latest Mask-Wearing Guidelines Released →)


How to strengthen the protection of young children and the elderly?

Peng Zhibin introduced that winter and spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases, the immune system of young children is not perfect, the immune function of the elderly is relatively weak, on the basis of maintaining good personal hygiene Xi, environmental cleanliness and hygiene, etc., it is necessary to focus on strengthening the following protective measures:

The first is to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Vaccination can effectively reduce infection, reduce the risk of severe disease, is the most effective and economical means to prevent infectious diseases, young children and the elderly should carry out new crown, influenza, pneumococcal and other vaccinations as soon as possible.

Second, young children and the elderly should try to avoid going to places with closed environments and dense crowds, and when they really need to go, they should wear masks scientifically to reduce the risk of contracting respiratory infectious diseases.

The third is to strengthen the daily health monitoring of young children and the elderly, and when symptoms of respiratory infectious diseases such as fever and cough appear, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and use drugs scientifically and safely according to the doctor's instructions.

In addition, when other members of the family have respiratory infections, they should avoid close contact as much as possible, especially with young children and the elderly. When a child with symptoms of respiratory infections such as fever and cough goes to the hospital, the child and himself should be protected at the same time to avoid cross-infection.


Do I still get vaccinated after I have recovered from my cold symptoms?

Xia Gang, director of the Department of Health and Immunization of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, said that if you have already had flu-like symptoms, it is recommended to continue to receive influenza vaccination after you have not been diagnosed and recovered on your own. There are two reasons for this:

First, the symptoms of respiratory tract infection are not specific, and flu-like symptoms such as fever and headache may occur in a variety of pathogenic infections. However, such symptoms do not necessarily involve infection with the flu virus, but may also be infected with other pathogens, most commonly the common cold.

Second, there are multiple types (in addition to type A, there are also type B) and subtypes of influenza viruses (type A has subtype H1N1 and H3N2 subtype) that can cause epidemics, and after infection with one type or subtype, there is also a risk of other types or subtypes of influenza. Influenza vaccines, on the other hand, are multivalent vaccines that cover many different types and subtypes, usually trivalent and quadrivalent. If you are vaccinated with a certain type of influenza (e.g. A), it contains components of other types of influenza (e.g. B) that can still protect against that type of influenza. In addition, in the same epidemic season, different types and subtypes are usually co-endemic, for example, the current subtype A (H3N2) is the main subtype, followed by influenza B. In the past, there have been cases in the same epidemic season, where the dominant strains in the epidemic gradually changed from one type to another.

Therefore, even if you have recently had cold symptoms, it is recommended to get a flu vaccine as soon as possible after recovery, especially for key groups such as the elderly, as flu vaccination can reduce infection and reduce the risk of severe disease and death.


Regarding the effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccines

Peng Zhibin, director of the Department of Respiratory Infectious Diseases of the Department of Infectious Disease Management of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that people's awareness of the dangers of the disease and the safety and effectiveness of vaccines all affect the willingness to get vaccinated. Peng Zhibin responded to three questions at the press conference:

First, about the dangers of the flu. Influenza is not a common cold, it is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus, and the population is generally susceptible to influenza virus, and high-risk groups such as infants, young children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases are more serious after being infected with influenza, and serious complications such as pneumonia may occur.

Secondly, about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine. Scientific research and vaccination practice have fully proven that influenza vaccination is effective. For the elderly who are at high risk of severe illness after influenza infection, influenza vaccination can effectively reduce the incidence of influenza and the incidence of influenza-related complications in the elderly population. In a comprehensive analysis of 95 studies related to the protective effect of influenza vaccines around the world, researchers have shown that during the influenza season, the elderly can reduce influenza-like symptoms by 39%, confirmed influenza by 49%, and influenza-related complications by 28%.

In the case of children and adolescents, influenza vaccination can effectively reduce the incidence of influenza in school-age children and reduce the absence from school due to influenza. Studies conducted in Beijing have shown that large-scale centralized vaccination of influenza vaccine among primary and secondary school students can reduce the risk of concentrated fever outbreaks by 50%-89%. Studies conducted in Shenzhen have shown that a high vaccination rate of influenza vaccine can effectively reduce the risk of school absence, and the prevention effect on school absences is 53%.

Third, about the safety of vaccines. Influenza vaccine has been used in the world and China for decades, and it is a mature vaccine with good safety.


These vaccines are also recommended for key populations

Xia Gang said that this winter and next spring, in addition to influenza vaccination, it is also recommended to receive pneumococcal vaccine and new coronavirus vaccine for the elderly and people with chronic underlying diseases;

For children, it is recommended that non-immunization program vaccines such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine can be given in addition to continuing to do a good job in immunization program vaccination.

Regardless of whether it is an immunization program vaccine or a non-immunization program vaccine, the requirements of the vaccination norms must be strictly followed during the vaccination process.

Producer丨Tang Yi

Producer丨Fang Yiting

(CCTV News Client)