Shijiazhuang, December 12 (Reporter Ai Guangde) "I like Chinese traditional culture, reading a classic in my free time can not only understand the lifestyle of the ancient Chinese, but also increase wisdom." Xie Min, an international student from Bangladesh, is tall and soft-spoken.

Xie Min, a student from Bangladesh. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Xie Min, who has been in China for 6 years, is currently studying for a doctorate at Hebei Normal University. His relationship with China came in 2015 when Xie Min was working at the Confucius Classroom in Dhaka, Bangladesh. "The Chinese way of life is very attractive to me, so I want to understand China deeply and see the real way of life of the Chinese with my own eyes."

In 2017, Xie Min came to China as an international student. When Xie Min first came to China, he couldn't speak Chinese, he couldn't name the food when he went to the cafeteria to eat, he didn't know the name of the thing when he went to the supermarket to buy things, and he often used mobile phone translation software to communicate with Chinese. "Later, I slowly learned to speak Chinese, I think the Chinese are very warm and humorous, just like family, my Chinese friends around me often teach me to learn Chinese, if I don't pronounce it correctly, they will correct me immediately."

Xie Min with his classmates. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Xie Min is very fond of Chinese culture, and when he is not in class, he visits the local museum. Hebei Province is a major province of cultural relics, and there are 10 permanent exhibitions in the Hebei Museum, such as "Hebei Shang Dynasty Civilization", "Generous and Tragic Song - Yan Zhao Story", "Warring States Heroic Wind - Ancient Zhongshan Kingdom", "Han Dynasty Swan Song - Mancheng Han Tomb" and so on. Every time he visits here, Xie Min lingers. "Standing in front of these exquisite cultural relics, there is a feeling of traveling through time and space, and it is very shocking that China had such a splendid civilization thousands of years ago."

Xie Min is very fond of Chinese Hanfu. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Xie Min received his bachelor's degree from Beijing Language and Culture University, where he studied Dream of the Red Chamber, one of the four classical Chinese classics. After coming to Shijiazhuang, he learned that Zhengding Rongguofu Scenic Area was one of the filming locations of the 87 version of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions", so he ran to visit it excitedly. Xie Min said that it was a very wonderful experience, especially wearing Hanfu to take pictures under the begonia tree, allowing him to experience the feeling of "a man in the dream of the Red Chamber".

The picture shows Xie Min and his classmates participating in the marathon together. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"I also like to go to the library to read books, and I often listen to some lectures in the library, and it is a very wonderful pleasure to exchange reading experiences with everyone." Xie Min likes to travel, and has been to Xinjiang, Guangzhou, Shanxi and other places in China, and what impressed him the most was the ancient buildings in Shanxi. Talking about the city he lives in, Xie Min has deep feelings. "Shijiazhuang is a fast-growing city, and urban construction can be described as changing with each passing day, where you can see bustling streets and experience a lot of exquisite intangible cultural heritage."

In the past few years in China, Xie Min's biggest feeling is that the application of technology makes life full of new experiences. "It's very convenient to live in China, such as convenient payment methods, and you don't need to bring cash with you when you go out. There are high-speed rail connections between each city, and travel is very efficient. There are also shared bicycles in China, and you can order takeout for meals, which are not available in our country. ”

Although he is in China, Xie Min is always concerned about his motherland, and he believes that the Belt and Road Initiative has brought important opportunities for Bangladesh's development and brought great changes to Bangladesh. "I often talk to friends in Bangladesh, so I know that Chinese companies in Bangladesh have helped build a large number of roads and bridges, such as the Padma Bridge, the bridge of dreams, and the first subway in Bangladesh." Talking about the future, Xie Min said that he is full of confidence and expectation for China's development, and he hopes to find a suitable job in China after obtaining his doctorate. (ENDS)