, Shanghai, December 12 (Chen Jing, He Jianan) Low back and leg pain is a common symptom, especially in winter when the weather is cold. Orthopedic expert Wen Chaolun said in an interview here on the 8th that most of the patients with low back and leg pain are caused by lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, and in winter, due to the cold weather, the muscles are more tense, resulting in increased pressure on the intervertebral disc, which is more likely to induce the onset of low back and leg pain.

Wen Chaolun told reporters that the number of patients with low back and leg pain in Shanghai Donglei Brain Hospital, where he is located, has been increasing recently in the past two days. The most common symptom is low back pain with radiating pain in one lower extremity, mainly due to irritation of sinus nerve fibers in the outer annulus fibrous and posterior longitudinal ligament by a herniated disc. The pain is deep, difficult to localize, and usually dull, stabbing, or radiating.

Dr. Wen Chaolun examines the patient. (Photo by He Jianan)

Lumbar disc herniation has become a disease that plagues many citizens, seriously affecting people's quality of life and work efficiency. Bad lifestyle habits are the main triggers. How to do a good job of spinal health protection? According to the expert, patients should pay attention to rest, keep warm in winter, and correct the posture of daily work and life; At the same time, avoid sitting for long periods of time, bending over to carry weights, carrying things, holding children, etc. He said that if you need to do heavy physical activity, you can wear a waist with steel plates; Strengthen the lower back muscles: Exercise when the symptoms of low back pain are not obvious, and strengthen the lower back muscles can share the pressure on the intervertebral discs, thereby relieving the symptoms of low back pain. In terms of drug therapy, patients can take oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs appropriately.

Wen Chaolun said that after adjusting their daily life, more than 80% of patients' symptoms can be relieved or cured on their own. If traction, manual reduction, and heavy weight massage are required, it is recommended to perform under the guidance of a professional physician.

"If patients with lumbar intervertebral disc herniation still have a tendency to aggravate the symptoms of low back and leg pain after rest and self-care, such as scoliosis, difficulty walking, numbness and weakness of the lower limbs, and even affect the function of urine and urine, it is called cauda equina syndrome." Wen Chaolun pointed out that patients need to go to the hospital for a lumbar spine MRI examination to understand the degree of protrusion. If patients have muscle weakness and muscle atrophy of the lower extremities, it is recommended to add electromyography of both lower extremities.

It is reported that according to the patient's symptoms, signs and imaging examination results, the doctor will decide whether surgical treatment is needed: for patients with mild lumbar disc herniation, simple herniation or advanced age and frailty, minimally invasive surgery can be used for spinal endoscopic surgery under local anesthesia, with an incorporation of about 1cm and a hospital stay of about three days. Wen Chaolun said that due to the small trauma of minimally invasive surgery, some patients in their 90s can still operate safely; For patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis and lumbar spinal stenosis, conventional surgical methods, spinal decompression and internal fixation surgery can be used. (ENDS)