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A Palestinian-Jordanian writer, engineer and explosives expert sentenced by Israel to 5200,2003 years in prison, he and one of the Hamas leaders in the West Bank, studied engineering in South Korea and led many operations against the Israeli occupation in Palestine. He was arrested in <>.

Birth and upbringing

Abdullah Ghaleb Abdullah Al-Jamal Barghouti was born in 1972 in the State of Kuwait in a family whose origins go back to a well-known Palestinian family called the Barghouti family, then he moved to the Jordanian capital, Amman, where he got to know many Palestinian families, lived with them the conditions of displacement from the homeland and lived the stories of the afflicted and the suffering of the displaced due to the Israeli occupation, which generated in his depths a deep sense of revenge against the occupier.

Study and training

Barghouti received his basic education in the State of Kuwait, and moved to Jordan after the Gulf War, where he completed his secondary education and obtained his high school diploma in the industrial branch "Mechanics Department" in 1990.

After obtaining high school, he traveled to South Korea, where he mastered the language, and studied in its universities for 3 years in electronic engineering.

He learned the explosives industry and read a lot of science and programs that helped him acquire the basic skills of those industries while in Korea. He also intensified his knowledge of the techniques of hacking computer systems and communication devices.

In 2022, he received a master's degree from Al-Quds University, Department of Regional Studies, and Israeli Studies track.

Prisoner Abdullah Barghouti in an Israeli court in 2011 (Al Jazeera)

Struggle experience

Barghouti began his struggle at an early age, while in Kuwait, he participated with groups that were working against foreign forces there, which led to his arrest for nearly a month in the prisons of the State of Kuwait, and then his deportation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

After returning from South Korea, he tried to enter Palestine but could not, and in 1998 he obtained a work contract with a Palestinian company, and immediately after entering Palestine, he communicated with figures from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and briefed them on his knowledge of the manufacture of explosives, and revealed to them his talents, and his willingness to work for the Palestinian cause.

When the second intifada began in 2000, Barghouti became the architect of guerrilla operations against the Israeli occupation, and the Israeli intelligence service placed him on wanted lists.

The Palestinian Preventive Security Agency detained him for a month after carrying out a commando attack at the Sparrow restaurant in Tel Aviv in August 2001, in which 15 Israelis were killed and dozens wounded.

After his release, he oversaw a number of martyrdom operations in Jewish settlements, and Israel considers him responsible for killing 66 Israelis and wounding more than 500.

In the occupation prisons

Israeli forces arrested 'Abd al-Barghouti on March 5, 2003, while he was transferring his sick child to a doctor in al-Bireh, and then interrogated him for being a wanted person.

He was interrogated for three months, tortured and humiliated, and sentenced to life imprisonment 67 times and 5200,<> years, described as the longest prison sentence in history.

He spent ten years in solitary confinement, and the Israeli occupation exerted all kinds of psychological pressure and physical humiliation on him, such as introducing the mentally ill to him, and threatening the families of the murdered Israelis with revenge against him.

He went on hunger strike until he was transferred from solitary confinement to the usual prisons where other Palestinian prisoners are held.

During his twenty years in prison, his family was only allowed to visit him six times.

In the 2011 Wafa al-Ahrar deal, he refused to be included in it and gave priority to the prisoners who preceded him.

Despite the practices of physical and psychological torment, he remained cohesive, in high spirits and high self-confidence, and he says that he is sure that he will emerge victorious.

Prisoner Abdullah Barghouti in an Israeli court in 2011 (Al Jazeera)

Functions and responsibilities

During his career, Barghouti practiced jobs related to his specialization, all of which were in order to achieve the dream of joining the resistance closely, and he held the most important positions, the most important of which are:

  • Instrumentation Maintenance Engineer in several Jordanian companies 1997.
  • Computer programmer in one of the companies operating in Jerusalem, 1998.
  • Field commander in the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades in the West Bank branch, succeeding the martyr Yahya Ayyash.
  • In Nablus, he manufactured explosives and toxic substances from potatoes.
  • He ran a private military manufacturing factory in the town of Nablus.
  • He planned many operations against the Israeli occupation between 2000 and 2003.


Barghouti invested his stay in solitary confinement and wrote a number of books that are described as influential and unteasing, namely:

  • Engineer on the Road, a moving book that is a letter sent by the writer to his daughter to introduce herself, through which he recounts the details of his operations and his struggle for freedom.
  • The living martyr.
  • Palestine is the lover and adored, a novel about Palestine.
  • Guillotine and the Spies of the Shin Bet (novel).
  • A moron in the circle of wise people, he tells about the resister who struggles with the bullets of his pen in the absence of the bullets of his weapon.
  • The Execution of a Dead book, a book that focuses on intellectual and cultural issues to resist occupation.
  • Al-Majida. Memories Without Ink and Paper (novel).
  • Compass resistance.
  • Jerusalemites and the so-called Temple demons.
  • Libra.. Jihad Da'wa and Da'wah al-Mujahideen, a book addressed to preachers and preachers that shows them the importance of focusing on jihad, and that it is one of the priorities of those who call to God.

Source : Al Jazeera