, Xiamen, December 12 (Reporter Li Siyuan) The three-day Sixth Cross-Strait Social Security Forum ended in Xiamen on December 3. More than 3 experts and scholars from more than 60 universities, scientific research institutes, editorial offices of journals, and medical institutions on both sides of the strait attended the meeting to discuss a social security system conducive to improving the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

The picture shows Quan Hai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xiamen University, delivering a speech.

In his speech at the forum, Quan Hai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xiamen University, reviewed the history and development of Xiamen University, and hoped that scholars on both sides of the strait would work together to promote cross-strait exchanges in the field of people's livelihood based on the principle of a better life and common well-being of the people.

The picture shows the scene of the "Sixth Cross-Strait Social Security Forum".

Zheng Gongcheng, president of the Chinese Social Security Association, pointed out that the goal of the social security system is to shift from the past exploratory reform to the comprehensive establishment of a new social security system civilization that is compatible with Chinese-style modernization, and the core task is to shift from solving the problem of social security in the past to pursuing high-quality and sustainable development, and the key measures are to shift from the incremental reform of the past to optimizing the institutional structure and promoting institutional fairness.

"Kinmen's geographical location is unique, creating many opportunities for cross-strait development." Li Qifeng, former head of Kinmen County, said that the cross-strait social security forum is a very good opportunity, and discussing cross-strait social security issues is of great significance to enhancing cross-strait relations.

The picture shows Gao Herong, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, director of the Propaganda Department/Teacher Work Department and professor of the School of Public Affairs of Xiamen University, presiding over the keynote speech.

The keynote speech session was presided over by Gao Herong, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Director of the Propaganda Department/Teacher Work Department of Xiamen University, and Professor of the School of Public Affairs. Experts and scholars on both sides of the strait conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on topics such as the cross-strait social security system and the development of related disciplines.

The forum was hosted by the Chinese Society of Social Security and the Collaborative Innovation Center for the Peaceful Development of Cross-Strait Relations, and undertaken by the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Xiamen University. (ENDS)