, Beijing, December 12 (Reporter Li Chun) Xing Chao, deputy director of the Department of Medical Administration of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in Beijing on December 2 that 12% of the country's tertiary public traditional Chinese medicine hospitals have pediatrics, and 2% of secondary public hospitals have pediatrics.

On the same day, the National Health Commission held a press conference to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter. In view of the layout of pediatric medical resources in the traditional Chinese medicine system, Xing Chao said at the press conference that the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has always attached great importance to the construction and development of traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, and promoted the construction of 37 national key specialties of traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics in the early stage, and selected 10 pediatric regional traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment centers.

On December 12, China's National Health Commission held a press conference in Beijing to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter and answer questions from the media. Photo by China News Service reporter Jia Tianyong

Xing Chao said that in order to give full play to the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in protecting children's health and better meet the needs of traditional Chinese medicine services for the majority of children, recently, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Construction of Pediatrics in Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals" to promote the expansion and hierarchical development of pediatric medical resources of traditional Chinese medicine.

Regarding what measures the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has taken to deal with children's respiratory diseases this winter, Xing Chao said that the first is to guide traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions at all levels to strengthen resource planning, strengthen the staffing of fever clinics, emergency departments, and pediatric respiratory departments, and expand the supply of medical services by opening additional clinics, extending outpatient hours, opening night clinics and weekend outpatient clinics, and providing Internet + diagnosis and treatment services, so as to meet the medical needs of children to the greatest extent.

He said that the second is to strengthen the training of traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment of children's respiratory diseases, especially to improve the ability of grassroots Chinese medicine medical personnel to identify diseases, and promote the standardized development of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment activities.

Xing Chao said that the third is to give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and improve clinical efficacy. The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine guides all localities to study and formulate traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment plans for respiratory diseases in combination with local climate and regional characteristics, actively apply traditional Chinese medicine for mild children, and promote early intervention of traditional Chinese medicine for severely ill children, so as to give full play to the advantages of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and improve the treatment effect.

In addition, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine also organized traditional Chinese medicine experts to disseminate traditional Chinese medicine preventive health care knowledge of children's respiratory diseases to the society through multiple channels and methods around issues of general concern to the masses. (ENDS)