A new store opened on the 4rd at JR Saga Station, where the only bookstore on the premises was closed due to the heavy rain disaster four years ago. Shogo Imamura, a Naoki Prize writer whose debut was won by winning a literary prize related to Saga, will serve as the representative of the bookstore.

Newly opened in Saga Station in Saga City is the "Saga no Shoten" represented by Naoki Prize winner Shogo Imamura.

As soon as the store opened at 10 a.m., many people were buying books.

A woman in her 60s who visited the bookstore said, "I usually use the station, so I'm really happy that it opened."

There used to be one bookstore at Saga Station, but the station was flooded by record-breaking heavy rains in August 1, and the store was forced to close after that.

Last year, Shogo Imamura, the author who opened the store, won the Naoki Prize for his historical novel "The Shield of the Emperor."

Seven years ago, he was selected as the grand prize winner of a literary award sponsored by a local newspaper in Saga, and Kenzo Kitakata, a writer from Karatsu City who served on the selection committee, recommended him to a publisher, which led to his debut as a writer, and he wanted to give back to Saga someday.

Mr. Imamura said, "I want people to see that there is a pattern of revival of bookstores in regional cities, and I am glad that we were able to take a step forward together with all of you."