China Eastern Airlines flight MU721 was diverted to Xiamen due to a malfunction during the flight, which aroused social concern.

At 12 a.m. on December 3, the official Weibo of "China Eastern Airlines" said that the company's flight from Shanghai Hongqiao to Hong Kong had a failure information during the flight, and in order to ensure flight safety, the crew handled it according to the procedures and landed in Xiamen for further inspection, and the flight landed safely at 11:09. The company actively provides passenger service guarantee and arranges for passengers to travel as soon as possible. The company apologizes for any inconvenience caused to passengers.

China Eastern Airlines issued public information and apologized. Screenshot of "China Eastern Airlines" Weibo

As for the cause of the accident, several passengers mentioned "engine failure" on the Internet. An online picture shows that one of the engine blades of the aircraft was broken, but some netizens said that this was caused by the cutting of firefighters, and the specific situation is not clear. At present, the surging news ( reporter has not been able to confirm that the picture is a faulty aircraft from China Eastern Airlines.

In addition, the reporter asked China Eastern Airlines to verify whether the specific cause of the accident was an "engine failure" spread on the Internet, and the other party said that please pay attention to the official release.

According to the information of the "Air Travel" APP, the flight is MU721, which took off from the T8 terminal of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 30:1 a.m. and was originally expected to arrive at the T10 terminal of Hong Kong International Airport at 49:1. At present, the flight is diverted at Xiamen Gaoqi Airport.

On December 12, China Eastern Airlines flight MU3. Screenshot of the "Air Travel" app

After the plane landed, several passengers on board shared videos taken in the cabin online. Judging from one of the video screens, the plane was in a state of violent shaking, making a relatively strong roar. There are many seats on the plane that are not occupied by passengers, and the passengers in the picture are relatively stable. On social platforms, some netizens who claimed to be passengers said that "I was afraid of death at that time, my legs were scared and weak, and my whole body was shaking."

Passengers share their feelings in the cabin with screenshots of social media

Passengers reminisce about the situation on board and are dining at that time. Social media screenshots

In the video posted by another netizen, it can be seen that some passengers are eating during the violent shaking of the plane. The netizen posted a post recalling that the plane made a "bang" sound at 9 o'clock, followed by a pungent smell of burning plastic, and then began to shake violently.

Other netizens who claimed to be on the plane also said that they could smell a "strong burnt smell", and the fire truck also arrived at the scene after landing. At the same time, the netizen said that he wanted to "praise the captain of China Eastern Airlines on this direct flight, and also praise everyone who was calm on the plane".

The passenger recalls the situation and praises the captain. Social media screenshots

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, one passenger said that the violent shaking lasted for about 10 minutes and then weakened, and it took about 20 minutes from the time the failure occurred to the time the plane landed. After landing, someone in the cabin shouted "Captain Niu", and there were two applause. The passenger said that the airline said that it would arrange a transfer of planes in the future, and passengers who were willing to continue their journey could take a flight in the afternoon, and if the passenger chose to leave the airport directly, the airline would also make arrangements.

At about 15 o'clock on the same day, the surging news reporter learned from Fei Changzhun that flight MU2999 flew from Shanghai Hongqiao to Xiamen Gaoqi at 13:50, and the flight landed in Xiamen at 15:23, and the MU2999 flight was marked with "transfer". In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the flight Changzhun said that in civil aviation, the transfer generally refers to the process of transporting the aircraft from one place to another, in most cases it is not carrying passengers, and the transfer mainly has the following situations: first, the model changes, test flights, overhaul and maintenance, etc., and the aircraft needs to be transported from the operation base to the corresponding maintenance base; second, the need to increase or reduce flights due to passenger flow and other reasons, and the need to transport aircraft from one airport to another; The third is that the faulty aircraft is returned to the maintenance station for repair.

Flight MU2999 is marked with "Transfer" next to it. Fly allowed

(Surging News reporter Jiang Lelai, Chen Yixin)