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The failure of the Israeli army to reach the scene of acting, specifically in directing a failed dramatic clip, in which the correspondent of the American Fox News channel participated, and was considered a major scandal for the occupation army and the channel together.

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In the context of attempts to promote the Israeli narrative regarding the war on the Gaza Strip, the validity of which has become questioned by international public opinion, the occupation army resorted to directing a false play described as a scandal, in which it relied on Western media, which also lost its credibility.

The reporter for the American channel appeared in a video filming Israeli soldiers as they arrested a man they said was a Hamas fighter, who was stripped naked.

According to scenes of the play, the Israeli occupation soldiers took the person who was portrayed as a Hamas operative while he was blindfolded, while a Fox News reporter was commenting on the incident.

Before the filming stops and the acting scene ends, the same person appears in the video getting up and dressing again comfortably and calmly.

It is noteworthy that the war waged by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip revealed the bias of many Western media outlets, which always talked about neutrality, professionalism and freedom of expression, as many of them became adopting the narrative of the Israeli occupation.

The episode (2023/12/01) of the program "Above the Authority" dealt with the following topics:

  • Haaretz: Hamas is here to stay and will not go anywhere.
  • Senior Israeli general: Qassam Brigades are strong and ready for a long fight.
  • After the failure of his wooden trilogy, Netanyahu acquiesces to a truce and prisoner exchange.
  • Greetings and friendly farewell messages left by the released prisoners to resist.
  • The occupation army steals the sweets for the release of prisoners in the West Bank.
  • Horrifying testimonies about the conditions of detention of women and children in Israel.
  • They live in their destroyed homes and pray on the ruins of mosques.
  • A big scandal and a farce of the occupation army on Fox News.
  • Arab children want to be "Abu Obeida" when they grow up.