The third and final wave of 2023 of the General Media Study (EGM) follows the trend of the previous one and once again crowns Unidad Editorial as the undisputed leader of the Spanish daily press, which closes the year not only as the leader but also growing compared to the previous wave.

The publishing group of, among other newspapers, EL MUNDO, Expansión and Marca, accumulates a total of 1,566,000 daily press readers, which distances it by 197,000 from its closest pursuer, Vocento, which registers 1,369,000. Not only does the distance with the group in second place increase, but it also grows in the number of readers compared to the second wave of the EGM: 2,000 more compared to the 49,000 lost by Vocento.

In third place among the written press groups in Spain is Prensa Ibérica with 1,359,000 followers, which Unidad Editorial surpasses by 207,000; fourth place would go to Grupo Prisa with 1,247,000, to 319,000, and, finally, there would be Grupo Godó, which garners 618,000, almost one million readers behind Unidad Editorial.

For its part, EL MUNDO is also celebrating, with 467,000 readers, consolidating its second place in the classification of the generalist press in Spain after growing by 7%, which is equivalent to 31,000 readers more than in the previous wave, being the newspaper of the generalist press that has grown the most in the last control. with more readers than ABC and La Razón combined.

In addition, it distances itself even more from competitors such as La Vanguardia (357,000), Abc, which remains at 310,000 readers after losing 1,000 readers, which places it in fourth position in the ranking, or La Razón (148,000). In first place is El País.

The consolidation of the position of EL MUNDO responds to the clear commitment of Unidad Editorial and the newspaper's management to evolve the newspaper both in its printed version and on the web. Great exclusives, in-depth reports, investigative papers and the best chronicles with a format that is more attractive than ever are the first things readers find on the newsstand.

In the economic sphere, Expansión dominates the written press sector with 121,000 daily readers, with an increase of more than 3% compared to the figure of a year ago and with the increase in the advantage over its two immediate pursuers: the economic newspaper of Unidad Editorial exceeds the sum of Cinco Días: (43,000) and El Economista (54,000). Unidad Editorial's salmon newspaper reaffirms its leadership with a market share of close to 60% in its sector.

In the sports press, Marca also continues to dominate the sector after having 978,000 followers in its print edition, 10% more than a year ago and more than the sum of the other three sports newspapers, which together add up to 863,000 readers compared to Marca's almost one million. As, which occupies the second position, has 402,000 readers.

Behind Marca, in addition to As, it is followed by Mundo Deportivo and Sport, with 261,000 and 200,000 readers respectively. The undisputed leadership of Unidad Editorial's sports newspaper is based on the fact that its readers continue to bet on its information and that allows its figures to far exceed the sum of its four main rivals.

It is these audience figures that consolidate Unidad Editorial once again and a quarter as the undisputed leader of the press in this country. And, not only that, but it allows it to extend the distance with Grupo Prisa by up to 20% in this third wave of the year.

This EGM also translates into very positive data for the only purely sports radio station in Spain owned by Unidad Editorial, Radio Marca, closes the season with 459,000 daily listeners in total, according to the 3rd mobile year of the EGM, being the leading sports radio. A total of 23,000 more followers than in the last control of the previous year.

For its part, Telva, Unidad Editorial's high-end magazine, grew by 73,000 readers and reached a total of 443,000 after growing by 20% compared to the previous wave.

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