On November 11, a trailer load got stuck on a pedestrian bridge on a national highway in Sendai City, and the police searched a transport company in the city on suspicion of violating the Road Law for loading cargo beyond the height stipulated by law.

On November 11, on the inbound lane of National Highway 27 in Koriyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, a trailer that was traveling in the middle lane of three lanes got caught on the underside of a pedestrian bridge, and the trailer was stuck for about four hours.

In this accident, the police searched the office of a transport company in Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai City on the 4th.

At the office, seven police officers entered the office around 3 a.m. with cardboard boxes and other items and searched for about two and a half hours.

According to the police, the cargo was part of the equipment of the asphalt factory, but it is suspected that it was loaded beyond the height stipulated by the Road Law.

The police will confiscate the relevant materials and investigate in detail whether there were any problems with the driving situation and the company's operation management.