The UN climate change conference "COP28" will open in UAE = United Arab Emirates on the 30th Japan time. COP28 will be the first opportunity to assess the progress made by the world on climate change measures to date, and the focus will be on whether it can lead to the strengthening of national measures.

table of contents

  • First assessment of progress on climate change countermeasures "Reduction targets of each country are insufficient"

  • What is the Global Stocktake?

  • Carbon dioxide emissions and targets for each country

  • What is the progress of each country?

  • Progress and measures to achieve Japan's reduction targets

  • Japan Companies' Decarbonization Initiatives

  • Unexpected Challenges Mass Disposal of Solar Panels How to Recycle Them?

  • Experts on "Balancing Energy Security with Considerations"

  • The UAE holds the presidency of the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's leading oil producers

  • U.S. President Biden absent

  • Prime Minister Kishida "Shows Japan's determination to lead to net-zero emissions"

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • First assessment of progress on climate change countermeasures "Reduction targets of each country are insufficient"

  • What is the Global Stocktake?

  • Carbon dioxide emissions and targets for each country

  • What is the progress of each country?

  • Progress and measures to achieve Japan's reduction targets

  • Japan Companies' Decarbonization Initiatives

  • Unexpected Challenges Mass Disposal of Solar Panels How to Recycle Them?

  • Experts on "Balancing Energy Security with Considerations"

  • The UAE holds the presidency of the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's leading oil producers

  • U.S. President Biden absent

  • Prime Minister Kishida "Shows Japan's determination to lead to net-zero emissions"

First assessment of progress on climate change countermeasures "Reduction targets of each country are insufficient"

COP28 will begin in Dubai, UAE on the evening of December 30 Japan time and will be held until December 12.

More than 12 countries and regions are expected to participate, and on the first day, the 190th, delegations from each country arrived at the venue one after another.

The conference will be held for the first time with the Global Stocktake, a mechanism to evaluate the progress of global measures such as the reduction of greenhouse gases once every five years to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, a framework for climate change countermeasures.

The United Nations has pointed out that national reduction targets are insufficient to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 30.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Based on the Global Stocktake, the focus will be on whether measures can be strengthened, and discussions are expected to be held on the expansion of renewable energy and the phasing out of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

In addition, at the previous COP, it was decided to establish a new fund dedicated to "loss and damage" caused by climate change, especially for vulnerable developing countries, and this time we will aim to reach an agreement on specific details for its operation.

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip continue, attention will be paid to whether countries can cooperate.

What is the Global Stocktake?

The Paris Agreement, which was adopted at COP8 eight years ago (2015) and has become an international framework for climate change countermeasures, aims to keep the increase in the global average temperature below 21 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, to limit it to 2.1 degrees Celsius, and to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by the second half of this century.

In order to achieve the target, each country has set plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the "Global Stocktake" will be held for the first time at COP5 every five years to evaluate the progress of global initiatives.

However, the United Nations released a report on November 5 ahead of COP28, stating that the average global temperature will rise by 28.11 to 20.2030 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, even if each country achieves its greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2.

While inadequacy of measures has been pointed out, attention is being paid to whether COP5, in which nearly 2 countries as well as developed countries participate, will be able to come up with a strategy to strengthen efforts to accelerate emission reductions on a global basis.

Carbon dioxide emissions and targets for each country

According to the Ministry of the Environment, the global total amount of energy-derived carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 amounted to 317.2020 billion tons.

In 100,
China had the highest emissions, with 8000.31 billion tons or 8.42%, the United States at 6000.13 billion tons or 4.27%,
23.9000 billion tons or 7.6% in the 20 countries in the EU.
▼India is 8000.6 billion tons, 6.15%▼Russia's 5000.4 billion tons, 9.9%

Japan is 9000 million tons, 3.1%.

Under the Paris Agreement, countries have set emission reduction targets for

China to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strive to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.

▼ The United States aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030% to 2005% by 50 compared to 52 levels, and to achieve net zero by 2050.

▼ The EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 2030% from 1990 levels by 55 and to net zero by 2050.

By 2030, India aims to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 2005% compared to 45 levels and achieve net-zero emissions by 2070.

By 2030, Russia aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1990% compared to 30 levels and achieve net zero emissions by 2060.

▼ Japan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030% by FY2013 compared to FY46 and reduce them to net-zero by 2050.

On the other hand, according to a report released by the United Nations in November, global greenhouse gas emissions in 11 were 2022.574 billion tons, an increase of 2021.1% compared to 2 and the highest ever.

And even if each country achieves its greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2030, the average global temperature is expected to rise by 2.5 to 2.9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century.

What is the progress of each country?

In order to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius, each country has set a high target for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, but some countries are not making progress in reducing emissions in line with the target.

EU = The European Union has set a target of at least 2030% reduction in emissions by 1990 compared to 55, but the "emissions and removals" in 2021 were about 32.4000 billion tons, which is more than 5 million tons more than the reduction of emissions in line with the target.

In addition, the U.S. "emissions and absorptions" in 2021 were about 55.9000 billion tons, which is more than 2030 billion tons more than the reduction of emissions in line with the 10 target, and the challenge is whether countries can keep pace with each other in achieving the global emission reduction target.

Progress and measures to achieve Japan's reduction targets

Japan has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030% by FY2013 compared to FY46.

According to the Ministry of the Environment, the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in Japan minus the amount absorbed by forests and other sources in FY2021 was approximately 11.2000 billion tons of carbon dioxide.

Compared to fiscal 2013, it has decreased by about 20%, and the reduction is progressing in line with the target.

As climate change countermeasures become a global issue, the Japan government aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, ▽electrification of automobiles, improvement of the performance of storage batteries installed in cars, ▽expansion of renewable energies such as offshore wind and solar power,

▽ We are going to promote the realization of a hydrogen society.

In addition, in order to achieve the goal of striving to limit the increase in the global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius under the international framework "Paris Agreement", the government has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030% by FY2013 compared to FY46.

In order to achieve these goals, in February the Cabinet approved the "GX=Basic Policy for the Realization of Green Transformation," which includes the introduction of carbon pricing in which companies and others bear costs according to carbon dioxide emissions, and the public and private sectors will accelerate their efforts.








JERAの高橋賢司 脱炭素推進室長は、「日本やアジアで石炭火力から排出される二酸化炭素を削減することは、最重要課題と考えている。将来の脱炭素燃料であるアンモニアや水素を活用して世界全体の削減に貢献したい」と話しています。

思わぬ課題 大量廃棄の太陽光パネル どうリサイクル?

As the government promotes the expansion of solar power generation as a renewable energy, it is estimated that solar panels will be disposed of in large quantities in the latter half of the 2030s, and how to promote recycling as the expansion is an issue.

Renewable energy, which is one of the themes of COP28, accounted for 2022.21% of domestic power sources in FY7, and the government plans to expand it by 2030.1 times to about 8% by FY38, and solar power generation, which accounts for the largest share of renewable energy, will increase 2022.9 times from 2.1% in FY7 to about 16%.

However, the useful life of solar panels is estimated to be 20 to 25 years, and it is estimated that 2030,50 to 80,<> tons will be used by the second half of the <>s, and the period of mass disposal will be reached.

A mega solar power generation facility consisting of about 4000,9 solar panels installed by a power generation company in the Kanto region was damaged and unusable due to heavy rains caused by a typhoon in September, and about 50 panels were swept away by mud.

The company contacted a nearby recycling company, but was refused because they had never recycled solar panels or could not treat heavily deformed panels, so they had no choice but to leave it on site.

The vice president of a power generation company said, "We are in trouble because we don't have a place to accept them, and I think it would be best if recycling progressed in Japan and we could make solar panels in Japan by recycling panels and making use of resources."

According to the Ministry of the Environment, there are only 3 facilities nationwide that can recycle solar panels as of the third fiscal year of Reiwa, so in April this year, the government established a study group of experts and industry groups to expand the number of recycling facilities and consider how to use recycled glass.

Two years ago, a recycling company headquartered in Osaka, which participated in the conference on behalf of the industry, installed a dedicated facility for recycling solar panels with the support of the government.

By separating the parts containing metal and other substances with a special high-temperature blade and extracting the glass, it is made into a state where it can be reused as flat glass, which has many uses, and the heavily damaged panels are crushed and sold as raw materials for other glass products, but the expansion of sales channels for recycled glass is an issue.

The president of a recycling company said, "It is difficult to recycle glass, and we do not like impurities, so our goal is to prevent impurities from mixing as much as possible.

Experts on "Balancing Energy Security with Considerations"

Jun Arima, a specially appointed professor at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Public Policy, who is an expert on energy and climate change policies, points out that "for a country like Japan, which depends on foreign countries for energy raw materials, it is necessary to strike a balance between energy security, stable energy costs, and prevention of global warming."

On the expansion of renewable energy, he said, "Not only solar power but also wind power has a shorter service life than nuclear power plants and coal-fired power generation, so when introducing renewable energy, what should be done after the end of its lifetime? Problems will arise with expansion, so we have to think about the combination of energy as a whole."

The UAE holds the presidency of the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's leading oil producers

The UAE, which holds the presidency of COP28, is known as one of the world's leading oil producers.

According to a report by the UK's Energy Institute, in 2022, the UAE was the world's 7th largest producer of oil and the 14th largest producer of natural gas, and has achieved economic growth by taking advantage of its abundant fossil fuels.

The UAE's Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, Jabel, who chairs COP28, is also the CEO of the state-owned oil company, Adnok.

International NGOs have criticized Adnok for continuing to develop new oil, which is contrary to climate action, and that Jaber's chairmanship would be a conflict of interest and that discussions at the conference would be influenced by the fossil fuel industry.

Just before the opening of the event, the British public broadcaster BBC reported that the UAE was planning to negotiate with 28 countries such as China and Colombia on the development of fossil fuels such as LNG = liquefied natural gas at COP15 based on an internal document that it said it had obtained in cooperation with journalists who conduct investigative reporting.

At a press conference held on the 29th, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology Jaber denied the content of the report, saying, "These allegations are false, not true, wrong and inaccurate.

In recent years, the UAE has expanded its investment in renewable energy and other areas, and has set a goal of achieving "carbon neutrality" by 2050, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero, but this report is expected to further intensify criticism of Mr. Jaber's chairmanship.

U.S. President Biden absent

The White House of the United States announced on the 29th that President Biden will be absent from "COP28" and Vice President Harris will attend instead.

Vice President Harris said the conference will show that the United States will lead the world in combating climate change.

President Biden has made climate action one of his top priorities, and this is the first time he has been absent from the COP for the second year in a row since taking office.

The White House has not revealed the reason for the absence, but the New York Times, a leading American newspaper, quoted a senior administration official as saying that President Biden was responding to the battle between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas.

Prime Minister Kishida "Shows Japan's determination to lead to net-zero emissions"

Shortly after 2:28 p.m., Prime Minister Kishida departed for the UAE to attend the COP28 summit meeting.

Prior to this, he expressed his intention to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate Japan's determination to take the lead in the international community's efforts toward the realization of a decarbonized society.

Prime Minister Kishida is scheduled to visit Dubai, UAE = United Arab Emirates, for four days until December 12 to attend the COP3 summit-level meeting, and departed Haneda Airport on a government plane for the site at 4:2 p.m.

Prior to this, Prime Minister Kishida told reporters that it is necessary to aim for a common goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and said, "I would like to make this an opportunity to clearly demonstrate Japan's determination to take the lead in Asia, which accounts for half of the world's emissions, by mobilizing all of Japan's technological and financial capabilities."

He also announced that he will hold separate meetings with President Herzog of Israel, who will attend the meeting, as well as the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, and Qatar, and said, "I would like to confirm my solidarity with countries that play an important role in regional peace and stability for the early de-escalation of the situation and the improvement of the humanitarian situation."

In addition, as the chair of the G7 = seven major countries, Prime Minister Meloni of Italy, who will hold the presidency next year in 7, also met with Prime Minister Meloni and expressed his intention to exchange views on the international situation.