With regard to TEPCO's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, which has been ordered to effectively ban the operation of the plant due to a series of counter-terrorism problems, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) will compile a draft report on the inspection of the status of improvements, which is a prerequisite for lifting the order, as early as the 4th of next month.

At the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture, a series of serious counter-terrorism problems have been discovered, and the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has issued an administrative sanction ordering a de facto ban on its operation.

The regulatory commission is continuing to conduct inspections to assess improvements, but at a closed-door meeting held on the 29th, it discussed the compilation of a draft report that would serve as a prerequisite for lifting the order.

According to the regulatory agency, at the meeting, it was agreed that it was necessary to check on-site whether normal monitoring could be carried out, and it was decided that inspectors would be present at a training to be conducted by TEPCO in the coming days to confirm it.

On top of that, if improvements are confirmed in the training, the draft report will be compiled at the next meeting to be held on the 4th of next month at the earliest.

After compiling the draft report, the NRA is expected to conduct on-site inspections and meet with the president to confirm whether TEPCO is "eligible" to operate the nuclear power plant, and then decide whether to lift the order.