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Pittiplatsch: The little brown goblin was the favorite of many children

Photo: Andreas Weihs / IMAGO

Inge Trisch, the inventor of Pittiplatsch and other popular characters of GDR children's television, has died. The author died in mid-November, her son Thomas Trisch told the German Press Agency. She was 89 years old.

Inge Trisch was buried in Berlin on Wednesday. Previously, the magazine »Superillu« had reported on the death.

Numerous TV videos devised

Trisch created the little brown goblin Pittiplatsch in a team for GDR television. On June 17, 1962, »Pitti« made his first TV appearance – at the Sandmännchen in Master Nadelöhr's tailor's room. He was more cheeky than other characters and allowed himself pranks. This made him the favorite of many children.

As an editor at GDR television, Trisch, a teacher by training, came up with other TV favourites. These included the Berlin brats Paul and Stine and the primeval cattle. Together with actress Ellen Tiedtke (1930-2022), she also shaped the children's show "Ellentie".
