Linfen, November 11 (Reporter Zuo Yukun) The land of Sanjin is boundless, and the pen walks the dragon and snake. It's as if you just pick up a stick, and the story can go on endlessly.

On the banks of the beautiful Fen River and the surging Yellow River, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, a land with a rich history and culture, the form of the Chinese nation is spread out in a variety of ways. That spiritual reverence and emotional sustenance have been deeply engraved in every corner of the city.

On November 11, under the guidance of the Network Communication Bureau of the Cyberspace Administration of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, the "Picturesque Rivers and Mountains" online theme publicity activity (Shanxi) sponsored by China News Network and the Cyberspace Administration of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee was launched in Linfen. In the exploration of Linfen's cultural resources, the interview group deeply felt the origin of Chinese civilization and the spirit of the original China.

On November 11, Linfenji County, Shanxi Province, aerial photography of the magnificent landscape of Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River. Photo by China News Service reporter Wu Junjie

The great river is golden, and the mouth of the pot gushes out of the Yellow River chorus

"The west goes out of Kunlun and the east enters Ying, and the hanging stream sprays the wall and pours out Yaoqiong. The emptiness of the islands poured in, and the sound of a thousand thunders shook the ground. In the pen of the Ming Dynasty poet Liu Zicheng, the momentum and power of Hukou Waterfall can still resonate deeply with us today.

In the Jin-Shaanxi Grand Canyon on the border of Shanxi Province and Shaanxi Province, the Yellow River flows slowly through the northern land. Rushing to the mouth of the pot, the rocks on both sides of the bank shrink abruptly, the terrain suddenly drops, the river water pours down, such as the mouth of the pot, so it is called the mouth of the pot waterfall.

The second largest waterfall in China and the world's largest yellow waterfall is a spectacular sight that varies from season to season, with the surging Yellow River water pouring from the thousand-meter-wide riverbed like a mountain and a sea, and suddenly returning to the "dragon trough" twenty or thirty meters wide. In winter, the severe cold weather freezes the waterfall into a rare state of ice and snow, forming ice hangings and icicles with thousands of postures and different shapes, and the beautiful "Water Curtain Cave" wonder can also be seen.

The Yellow River, galloping forward, with its indomitable majestic momentum, has shaped the national character of the Chinese nation of unremitting self-improvement, and is an important foundation for the Chinese nation to strengthen its cultural self-confidence. As the representative of the mother river, Hukou Waterfall, with its unique natural landscape and cultural connotation, is known as "the heart of the Yellow River and the soul of the nation".

It is the inspiration for the creation of the famous classic musical epic "Yellow River Cantata", inspiring generations of Chinese sons and daughters to forge ahead. "The Yellow River was forced by the mountains on both sides of the river and the rocks in the ground to go up and down, and when it flickered left and right, it also forged its great character. This greatness only flashes out of the spout and is seen by us. "In many literary works, Hukou Waterfall is considered to be the embodiment of the great spirit of the Chinese nation.

On November 11, Linfenji County, Shanxi Province, aerial photography of the magnificent landscape of Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River. Photo by China News Service reporter Wu Junjie

According to the staff of Hukou Scenic Area, in recent years, the scenic spot has been continuously enriching the tourism industry, one is to create a cultural and tourism boutique project, the second is to create the local cultural characteristics of the Yellow River, the third is to comprehensively promote performing arts, intangible cultural heritage, cultural and creative products, public services and other scenic spots, and the fourth is to promote the development of rural tourism, give full play to the leading role of Hukou Scenic Area, and make the orchard become a scenic spot, so that farmers can truly serve the bowl of tourism, eat the food of tourism, and earn money for tourism.

Under the illumination of the spirit of the Yellow River, a new journey of struggle has begun. Ji County, Shanxi Province is famous for the Hukou Waterfall of "a pot of harvest for thousands of miles of the Yellow River", and is also famous for its high-quality apples that are "bright and red, crispy and sweet".

In recent years, Ji County has completed 9,34 mu of afforestation of barren mountains by relying on key projects such as the natural forest protection and artificial afforestation project, the three-north shelter forest, the new round of returning farmland to forest, the comprehensive soil erosion control project on the Loess Plateau, and the ecologically fragile area of Luliang Mountain.

Pinus tabuliformis shelterbelt in the east, Robinia pseudoacacia shelterbelt in the south, fruit economic forest in the middle, dry fruit economic forest in the west... From "bare" to "green", turning the banks of the Yellow River green, the dream of the people of Jixian County is being realized step by step.

Linfen Museum is the most representative cultural symbol of the city, the main platform for displaying Chinese civilization and promoting cultural exchanges, and an important window for the construction of spiritual civilization and a patriotic education base. The picture shows the interview group checking in Linfen, Shanxi Province, at the museum by the Fen River. Photo by China News Service reporter Wu Junjie

The sun and the moon hug each other, and the cultural relics tell the story of thousands of years of ancient and modern events

Brushing away the dust of history and walking into the Linfen Museum, through modern technology, the audience can clearly and intuitively see the position of the three human tooth fossils and the right parietal bone fossil in the skull, as well as the lifelike life scenes of the "Ding Village people".

The reporter learned that Dingcun is the first Paleolithic archaeology independently completed by Chinese after the founding of New China, and the "Dingcun people" and "Dingcun culture" have filled the missing link of the "ancients" in the evolution of human beings in the mainland, effectively refuted the view of "Chinese race in the West", and connected the genealogy of human development history in Chinese mainland.

"This is a replica of three fossilized teeth of Dingcun people. These teeth are shovel-shaped, and spade-shaped incisors are more common among yellow people. According to the staff of the Exhibition Department of Linfen Museum, there are very few fossils of Dingcun people, but they are very important for understanding the continuous evolution process of ancient humans in China.

At the entrance of the second exhibition hall, the painted dragon plate of "Treasure of the Town Hall" is particularly eye-catching. According to the staff, the painted dragon plate is a unique ritual vessel of the early king-level tomb, and a total of 4 pieces of painted dragon plate were unearthed in the early king-level tomb of the Taosi site, which is one of them.

"There is obvious hierarchical differentiation and social division of labor in the Taosi site, showing the rudiments of the early capital." More than 40 years of excavation and multidisciplinary comprehensive research have not only established the cultural and chronological framework of Taosi from archaeology, but also unearthed the earliest written script in China, confirmed the world's earliest observatory, and made original contributions to the study of the origin of world civilization.

In the Linfen Museum, the inheritance of Chinese culture and the sustainability of Chinese civilization have been intuitively displayed. The concept of the soul of the Yellow River and the roots of China, home and country, is so clearly reflected in Linfen, a land that carries a heavy history, through the past and the present. (ENDS)