Dizzy as soon as you wear a turtleneck? Beware of "collar syndrome"

Experts remind that this disease is related to external stimulation of the carotid sinus, and it is recommended to wear loose clothing, avoid rapid body position changes, and have regular physical examinations

Recently, the temperature has plummeted, and many people have put on high-necked clothes to keep warm, but some netizens said that they felt dizzy and uncomfortable as soon as they wore high-necked clothes, and they also felt nauseous, fatigue, and breathless. As a result, the related topic "being officially diagnosed with collar syndrome" quickly rushed to the hot search on Weibo, arousing the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens. What is "collar syndrome"? What are the symptoms? Who is susceptible to collar syndrome? How can it be prevented? Dong Bo, director and chief physician of the fourth ward of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, gave a detailed answer.

Wearing a turtleneck makes me dizzy and uncomfortable, which turns out to be "collar syndrome"

Recently, 60-year-old Mr. Zeng came to the hospital for treatment, the night before he was cooking in the kitchen, his grandson called him, he turned his head suddenly, suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, almost fainted. But after turning his head, the fainting sensation disappeared again. After going to the hospital for relevant examinations, the doctor found that Mr. Zeng had carotid arteriosclerosis, and when he fainted, he had a shirt with a stiff collar inside his sweater, and the top button was buttoned, and he had a clear large head turning movement, which was considered to be carotid sinus syndrome (also known as "collar syndrome").

"As long as I wear a high-necked dress, I feel uncomfortable, sometimes dizzy, tinnitus, and even out of breath, I didn't expect it to be a disease." After listening to the doctor's introduction, Ms. Chen, 45, finally understood why she couldn't wear a turtleneck, didn't like to tie a scarf, and hated the barbershop always tied a tight cover, which turned out to be "collar syndrome".

Online, many people shared the same feelings as Ms. Chen - wearing a turtleneck sweater has a strong sense of pressure and suffocation. "I can't even accept the middle-collar clothes, let alone the oppressive feeling of the high-necked clothes" "I thought it was a strange problem, and I couldn't even touch the neck with the quilt when I was sleeping"... Many netizens said that not only wearing high-necked clothes is easy to cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and other discomforts, but also if the scarf is thick or tied too tightly, it is also prone to this situation. Some people explain that this is because wearing a high-necked garment compresses the carotid sinus located in the neck, causing dizziness.

Irritation of the sensitive carotid sinuses can range from nausea and dizziness to coma

Dong Bo said that "collar syndrome", medically known as "carotid sinus syndrome" or "carotid sinus syncope", is a clinical syndrome caused by excessive excitement of the carotid sinus by external pressure, causing dizziness, dizziness, slow heart rate, blood pressure drop and even syncope.

The carotid sinus, which is located at the end of the common carotid artery and the beginning of the internal carotid artery, is a sensitive baroreceptor that can sense changes in blood pressure and blood oxygen, and regulate the activity of the heart and blood vessels through nerve reflexes to maintain the stability of blood circulation.

"Everyone's carotid sinus sensitivity is different, some people have carotid sinuses that are unusually sensitive, wearing turtlenecks, scarves, ties tightly, rubbing repeatedly when getting a haircut, shaving... In these cases, the carotid sinus is stimulated, which will mistakenly think that the blood pressure will become high, triggering the nerve reflex, causing the body's blood pressure to drop and the heart rate to slow down, the blood supply to the brain will be reduced, and feelings such as dizziness and nausea will occur. Dong Bo explained that the onset of this disease is usually short, usually a few seconds, and the symptoms will slowly ease after the compression is stopped. However, if the pressure is too strong or too long, the blood pressure and heart rate drop suddenly, which will cause the patient to faint and lose consciousness, which is life-threatening.

According to the different degrees of stimulation of the carotid sinus of the human body, the "collar syndrome" is mainly divided into four types: cardiac suppression type, cardiac arrest occurs when the carotid sinus of the human body is stimulated, and the general time of abortation is ≥ 3 seconds; In the simple blood pressure lowering type, systolic blood pressure decreases to less than 50 mm Hg when the carotid sinus is stimulated; Mixed, that is, both types of symptoms will appear, and when the carotid artery is stimulated, not only cardiac depression but also blood pressure lowering; In the primary cerebral form, there are no significant changes in heart rate and blood pressure when the carotid sinuses are stimulated, but patients may present with transient syncope or presyncopal symptoms.

"Collar syndrome" is not a high incidence in ordinary people, and generally appears in 4 types of people: there are high-risk factors for arteriosclerosis, such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc., which is common in men over 50 years old; Structural abnormalities in the neck, such as carotid arteriosclerosis or embolism, carotid body aneurysms, inflammation near the carotid sinuses, tumors, or injuries, can cause the carotid sinuses to become oversensitive; History of neck surgery and/or radiotherapy that may damage or alter the morphology of the carotid sinuses; Some young women have autonomic dysfunction that makes them overly responsive to carotid sinus stimulation, and they are also prone to the disease when they suddenly turn their head or tighten their collars.

To avoid collar syndrome, pay attention to these aspects

"Although 'collar syndrome' is uncommon, dizziness and coma may occur without warning, and it can be life-threatening in severe cases, so it is necessary to strengthen awareness and vigilance about it and take timely measures." Dong Bo said.

If you unfortunately have a "collar syndrome", the following methods can help yourself or others in time: if you feel dizzy, nausea, sweating and other discomforts, quickly loosen the collar, lie on your back and raise your legs to let the blood return to the heart, which can allow the brain to get more blood, alleviate the condition of cerebral ischemia, and prevent coma or brain injury; If there is a situation such as syncope, the patient's heartbeat and breathing should be checked immediately, and the 120 emergency number should be dialed to send the patient to the hospital for treatment in time.

How to Prevent "Collar Syndrome"? Dong Bo reminded that the occurrence of this disease is related to the external stimulation of the carotid sinus, wearing a turtleneck sweater or scarf is only one of the triggers, and the following aspects should be paid attention to in daily life:

Try to wear loose clothes: Wear suitable high-necked clothes, do not wear clothes with tight or hard collars, and do not tighten your neck too tightly, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

Replace the turtleneck with a scarf: If it is uncomfortable to wear a turtleneck, you can change it to a scarf, and also be careful not to tie it too tightly, and to tighten it moderately.

Don't wear a tie or neck jewelry too tightly: If you do need to wear a tie or neck jewelry, be careful not to be too tight or heavy, and avoid wearing it for a long time, otherwise it may irritate the carotid sinus and cause discomfort.

Maintain proper posture: avoid excessive bending or extension of the neck to reduce irritation of the carotid sinus; Seemingly ordinary actions such as patting and massaging the neck may irritate the carotid sinus; When cutting hair or shaving, do not rub the carotid sinus repeatedly.

Avoid turning your head or looking up suddenly: These movements may stretch or twist the carotid sinuses, causing obstruction of blood flow or dysreflexia. If you need to turn your head or look up, it is advisable to do it slowly and gently, and do not make excessive or strenuous movements.

Avoid rapid postural changes: Standing up or other rapid postural changes can cause sharp changes in blood pressure, irritate the carotid sinuses, and cause vertigo or syncope. If you need to stand up or change positions, it is advisable to be slow and steady, avoiding sudden or rapid movements.

Try to avoid emotional agitation: Emotional agitation may cause fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate, irritate the carotid sinuses, and cause an uncomfortable response. It is advisable to try to stay calm and peaceful, and not to be overly excited or nervous.

Get regular checkups: Regular checkups can help identify and address underlying health problems.

Changsha Evening News all-media reporter Yang Yunlong correspondent Zhang Weixia