On Monday, the King and Queen presented the Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award to Carlos Alsina, director of the programme Más de uno, on Onda Cero for being "a reference in radio journalism".

The jury of the Prize, awarded by the Association of European Journalists, has valued "his lucid, rigorous and plural view of current affairs, with an outstanding mention of his talent as an interviewer", and qualifies him as a journalist "innovative in the creation and reinvention of radio formats, such as sound fictions and spaces for cultural dissemination. His gaze not only brings listeners closer to the Spanish reality, it is a window to Europe and the rest of the world."

Carlos Alsina thanked his entire team, collaborators and Onda Cero, his home, for their support over the years. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the team of my show, who are the ones who grind stones so that the presenter can do what he can to show off. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the brilliant collaborators who have improved and continue to improve my programs: Comrade Amón, Rosa, Pilar, Marta, Rafa, Dani and the professor... and David Gistau who allowed me to grow up with him; and Manuel Jabois, who is still irreplaceable, and Sergio and the 'culturetas'.

For his part, King Felipe VI defended, during his speech, the "irreplaceable" work of journalists in the face of AI, in order to maintain independence, rigor and the search for the truth.

The event, held in a hotel in Madrid with the presence of Queen Letizia, brought together numerous media professionals as it is one of the most prestigious awards in the sector, endowed with 24,000 euros.

  • Carlos Alsina
  • Felipe VI
  • Queen Letizia