Lhasa, November 11 (Laba Zhuoma) On the 26th, the inaugural meeting of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in the Tibet Autonomous Region was held in Lhasa. Peng Yihao, head of the 25th batch of cadres and talents liaison group of Shanghai Municipality to aid Tibet, director of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government Office in Tibet, deputy secretary of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, attended the meeting and said that while accelerating the development of enterprises, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in the Tibet Autonomous Region should actively participate in and support social welfare undertakings, explore the market path of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and promote a new round of economic and social development in Tibet.

The picture shows Peng Yihao, head of the 10th batch of cadres and personnel liaison group for Tibet aid in Shanghai, director of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government Office in Tibet, deputy secretary of the Xigaze Municipal Party Committee, and executive vice mayor, giving a speech. Photo by Laba Dolma

At the meeting, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningqing, Qingxin, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing and Tibet jointly established the Western Alliance of Shanghai Chamber of Commerce Abroad. The Party Committee of Tibet Mining, the Party Committee of the Tibet Branch of the Bank of Communications, the Party Branch of the Lhasa Business Department of China Eastern Airlines, and the Party Branch of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce of the Tibet Autonomous Region jointly established the Party Building Alliance of Shanghai Enterprises in Tibet.

The picture shows Han Mingsi, president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in the Tibet Autonomous Region, giving a speech. Photo by Laba Dolma

Han Mingsi, President of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in the Tibet Autonomous Region, said that in the next step, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce in the Tibet Autonomous Region will be committed to promoting exchanges and interactions and resource sharing between the chambers of commerce in the Yangtze River Delta of Tibet, actively building an exchange platform for Shanghai enterprises in Tibet, promoting the common development of enterprises, and guiding Shanghai enterprises in Tibet to build a "four-in-one" work force to promote rural revitalization, serve the business environment, extend financial services, and young entrepreneurial talents, and help Shanghai and Tibet counterpart support and cooperation and exchanges. (ENDS)