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This fall, Andy and Lucas set out to revolutionize Spain and they have more than succeeded. On November 10, the well-known duo hung a kilometric canvas in the center of Madrid. An advertisement that emulated a cover of Superpop magazine, in which the people of Cadiz indicated that they would soon reveal a "news". For four days, all kinds of theories sprouted. His fans talked about a new album and his detractors talked about his possible foray into reggaeton. But the reality was totally different.

"Because of dizziness, I was referred to a cardiologist. Now I have a small valve and the best thing to do is to slow down. It's time to do a farewell tour for our audience," said Lucas, two Mondays ago, in El Hormiguero. As a result of those statements, a myriad of headlines emerged that spoke of a "definitive breakdown". But this Thursday, the Andalusians wanted to make it clear that this is not their "end". It's simply a "break."

"We're taking a break, because Lucas needs to recover. And hopefully it will! But for now we must stop. What if it gets better? We don't know... And since we are not fortune tellers, we have decided to organize one last tour. That Lucas recovers? Yes, we may be back. If this man's health allows it, there are possibilities... But we don't have the certainty," Andy confesses to EL MUNDO.

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Spanish music at the Latin Grammys in Seville: only Quevedo, Niña Pastori and Nathy Peluso won the award


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  • Written by: PABLO GIL Sevilla
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Rosalía's flamenco tribute to Rocío Jurado that brought the Latin Grammy audience to its feet

"Yes, we withdrew. But for the time being! And I can't say for sure, because we don't have a crystal ball. I can only tell you that we're going on tour and we're going to do four shows," says Lucas, who also mentions that he'd like to add more dates to the tour. "If we see the affection of the people, we can make an effort," he says, and then denies that his condition is "extremely serious," as some media have mentioned. What's more, Lucas reveals that he has no problem singing.

As a result, hordes of Twitter users claim that Lucas is "exaggerating" his diagnosis in order to go on a lucrative tour. But the musician isn't willing to listen to lies. "Today I had to bring documents that prove what I have, because I find everything that is happening a bit sad. I could not have said anything. We could have said 'we're retiring, just because'... But no, we chose to be sincere," he clarifies.

According to Andy, he was one of the first to know about his friend's heart disease. And while he understands the circumstances, he says he's still appalled. "Lucas told me about it after Easter and I thought, 'He's a hypochondriac.' He always calls me 'I can't breathe' or 'I don't know what's wrong with me'. He gets nervous and thinks he's sick. But, this time, his ailment wasn't in his head. It was serious. That's why we made this decision, no matter how difficult it was," he says.

"To be honest, I haven't stopped to think about what's happening yet, because it's gotten out of hand. The public reaction and media coverage has been shocking, so I haven't had time to process anything. But I want to trust. I pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that Lucas recovers, because I don't see myself singing alone on stage. It would feel super weird," says Andy.

"Look, really, Lucas, if something happens to you, then I would realize how much I love you," he admits, looking at his partner, who breaks into a small smile. And, despite the rumors about their alleged bad relationship, the artistic couple values and esteems each other. "Everything has been said about us and yes, of course it can affect you. But that has never stopped us. We have lived through as many good things as bad things and nothing has ever separated us... And if we have to do it now, it's for some health, nothing else," explains Lucas.

According to both, their break will be solely professional. Their friendship continues and they do not rule out collaborating even in other areas. "When the tour is over, I'll focus on a new business. I can't tell you what it's about, because Cadiz is very small and they can steal my idea. But in a year, perhaps, I could tell you. I also think I could set up a greengrocer's... I could sell the things that Lucas sows! Do you know he has a vegetable garden?" says Andy.

Sure enough, Lucas plants lettuce. Despite this, he is still not sure what he wants to do in the future. He says that he is not interested in TV and that, despite giving his opinion on social media, he is not attracted to politics. "Andy used to think that I could be the mayor of Cadiz. But I don't see it... With all the malice that's out there right now, I wouldn't. People try to attack you with things from the past," he declares indignantly. The same one he talks to about the Latin Grammys, to which they were not invited.

"The Grammys were in Seville and we are a World Heritage Site in Andalusia, so I don't understand why they didn't call us. We said, 'Wow, why do we always have to dance with the ugliest?'" says Lucas, who is immediately refuted by his eternal colleague. "She may be the ugliest, but she's also the nice one. Because we have the affection of the people and that's what really matters," Andy concludes.

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