Urumqi, November 11 (Li Chaoyang) Winter and spring are good seasons for mushroom production and sales.

The reporter recently walked into the oyster mushroom greenhouse and saw that rows of neat mushroom bags came into view, and the fresh mushroom fragrance came to the nose. The mushrooms on the mushroom wrap are growing vigorously like "small umbrellas".

Packed fungus packs. Photo by Li Chaoyang

In the oyster mushroom greenhouse of grower Shang Yonghua, there was a roar of machines, Shang Yonghua and his wife were packing mushroom bags, and bags of "freshly baked" mushroom bags carried their hope of getting rich.

Shang Yonghua said: "We use cottonseed husks to cultivate oyster mushrooms, and after fermentation, the cottonseed husks are put into bags for high temperature sterilization, and the mushrooms can be produced after the mushroom packets are full of white." ”

In the greenhouse, the packaged fungus packs are neatly placed, and the edges of each row of fungus packets are covered with lime powder. "Sprinkle a layer of lime on the ground, which can not only adjust the alkalinity of the culture material but also sterilize."

Oyster mushrooms like "small umbrellas" grow vigorously. Photo by Li Chaoyang

In order to allow the public to eat fresh mushrooms every day, the couple got up early in the morning and picked them at night and sent them to the market to sell. The hard work has not been disappointed, Shang Yonghua's family has been planting oyster mushrooms for two years, and has obtained considerable economic benefits.

Shang Yonghua's neighbor Wang Jiayan is an "expert" with 9 years of experience in oyster mushroom cultivation, and has provided a lot of help to Shang Yonghua on weekdays.

"When I started growing oyster mushrooms, I consulted the manufacturer or checked the information on the Internet if I didn't understand, and slowly improved, and now I can deal with the problems myself." Wang Jiayan said.

In the greenhouse of Wang Jiayan's house, oyster mushroom buns are arranged into a hill. Photo by Li Chaoyang

It is understood that the greenhouse mushrooms are not limited by the season, the growth rate is fast, the growth cycle is short, a mushroom bag can pick at least 4 to 5 stubble, a day to harvest more than 70 kg of fresh mushrooms, the wholesale price is 10 yuan per kilogram, and the economic benefits are obvious.

"During this time, the sales volume of oyster mushrooms is good and the demand is large, mainly sold to vegetable shops in the wholesale market, and we will distribute them if they have demand, so we don't worry about sales, and the annual income is about 20,<> yuan." Wang Jiayan said. (ENDS)