Mass graves of Gaza martyrs (Anatolia)

In the July 2006 war that liberated "southern Lebanon" from the Israeli occupation, the disappointment of "Mubarak" and his ruling regime in Egypt appeared, and the disappointment was manifested in a statement said by the military president, the pilot who participated in the October 1973 war: "... Get rid of this stuff.." , And for non-Egyptians translate the text of his words: "Eliminate this thing, called Hezbollah", and did not silence the president, but advised people: "Someone can degrade his finger in the lion's bugs", and the man was talking about "the invincible army", which is concerned by saying: "Assad" and it turned out in the field that the invincible army, is an army of straw, and that the flying aviation army that bombs schools and hospitals, and we in Egypt knew his heroism these in the "Bahr al-Baqar Primary School" that Bombed in "April 1970", and the factory "Abu Zaabal" which raided it, killing dozens of workers, and the fact that people did not understand is that the "People's Liberation War" is different from the "war of regular armies", the People's War depends on the means of what is not adopted by the traditional regular armies, and as was the martyrdom of the child "Mohammed Al-Durra" the beginning of the revolution "January 25", became the shrouds of the martyrs of "Gaza", which covered the bodies of the purest of in this nation, the boundary between the time of the "transparent shirt" and the time of the "Palestinian keffiyeh", and the time of " Mohammed Ramadan "friend of the Zionists and the time of "Abu Obeida" military spokesman for the Palestinian resistance, a short time ago, wore the Egyptian actor "Mohammed Ramadan" shirt transparent " a fashion for women", and appeared embracing an Israeli artist, and leaked pictures, and poured people on him jam their anger, especially those who knew that he "Saidi" from the same village that gave birth to the late poet "Amal Dunqul", the poet who gave his poem to the Palestinian resistance at a time when poets were prisoners of their individual dreams and frustrated selves, and people agitated and angry at Ramadan's artistic normalization with the Zionists, but on the "seventh of October 2023", a new will was born for resistance in Palestine, based on science, training, armament and awareness of the two scenes: local and international, and the battles went on, and people did not believe what is happening in "Gaza" and other cities of occupied Palestine, the generation that witnessed the "uprising of stones", and witnessed the religious controversy over "martyrdom operations" against the "enemy army" did not believe that the resistance had the means that make it able to draw the map of the Arab world, The Middle East, the change of culture that has prevailed in the world since the fall of the "Soviet Union" and Washington's control of the planet, the emergence of "cultural globalization", globalization was intended to implement the US-European plan aimed at melting "Israel" in the Middle East, considering it the "supreme leader" of the region, eliminating the components of Arab culture that consist of "Arabism, Islam and the sediments of ancient civilizations", and replacing "old morals" with the morals of the "transparent shirt" aimed at stopping "natural reproduction" resulting from a legitimate marriage within the family, and in The context of ethics and laws derived from religions and cultural legacies, so that millions of newborns are not a burden that disrupts the "profit maximization" and the accumulation of wealth in Western capitals. The American globalization plan was aimed at eliminating Arab history, which included "the liberation of Palestine, revenge for the martyrs, national dignity, masculinity and heroism," and the creation of a generation that "effeminate" culture and behavior, which sees Israel as a democratic homeland, and sees in Hamas, the Popular Front and Jihad killers who shed the blood of innocent people in Tel Aviv and other settlements that were established on the Arab land of Palestine.

The colonial mind dominates Europe

But what happened on the "seventh of October", is the "earthquake" that shamed the supporters of the "transparent shirt", and exposed the European-American lies, especially with regard to the file of "human rights", what governs Washington and the capitals of Europe at the present time is the "colonial mind" primitive, which does not hear and sees only what suits its interests, does not care about "man" and does not mean "democracy", and the results of this Palestinian earthquake, the demise of cultural visions that Washington tried to create bases for in the Arab world, and this means the return of Realistic literature that is concerned with society, aimed at bringing about renaissance, progress and welfare for those who have been oppressed and starved in the past thirty years, and the demise of "deceitful poetry" that celebrates abnormal relations outside the instinct and makes it the center of the universe, and the demise of groups of "normalization and acceptance of the other", after it became clear far and wide that the "other" is a war criminal, killing women and children, and defending racism, dictatorship and impoverishment of peoples in favor of the ruling groups in Europe and America "they call the civilized world", and most of all, the map of "powers" will change. There will be no place for those who have globalized and opened "human rights centers" and seized from the funds of the coffers of the governments of "Canada" and "Paris" and turned from radical hostility to US imperialism to "accepting the other" and defending the political goals of donors, and there will be no place for everyone who failed the resistance and was cloaked in false wisdom, and asked the resistance to protect "safe settlers", and equated the owner of the land with the usurper of the occupier.

Al-Azhar has its word

Whoever watched the Egyptian scene in the days following the beginning of the "Al-Aqsa flood" saw the bias of the people to Sheikh "Ahmed Al-Tayeb" Sheikh of Al-Azhar, after issuing the statement in which he called for supporting the steadfast in Gaza and other cities of Palestine, a statement that raised the shares of the Sheikh and made people praise him, and the fact that many do not know that Sheikh Al-Tayeb, is the grandson of two people with the same name": Ahmed Tayeb, "his first grandfather, who struggled against the dictatorship of "Muhammad Ali" Albanian soldier who deceived the Egyptian popular leadership that fought the French occupation "Napoleon campaign", and seized power and wealth for himself and his children after him, and the second grandfather is the one who confronted Khedive Ismail, who seized the land of the people of Upper Egypt to cultivate the crop "sugar cane" for his personal account "Sunni circle" and when confronted by Tayeb and the revolutionaries, sent the "army" and bombarded the villages of the revolution with cannons, and erected gallows in the prison of the castle in Cairo, and imprisoned Ibsna in southern Egypt, and executed "Sufi Sheikh Ahmed Tayeb", and remained his revolution in modern Egyptian history famous to researchers as the "revolution of axes"; because it is the revolution of "peasants", and because its men heroes cut the authority Khedive brute their heads axes, Sheikh "Tayeb" Sheikh of Al-Azhar current, chose to stand in the right trench, and whoever chose the trench of the enemy, will be doomed to annihilation in the dustbin of history like the one who wore the "transparent shirt", and betrayed the blood of the martyrs of Gaza and "keffiyeh" Palestine.